Do you need internet or not?

Continuing the discussion from License Classic vs Pro:
I have split off that topic, because there is still some confusing about the different types of activating SketchUp Pro (Classic license versus Subscription)

As mentioned in that thread, there is no difference in the SketchUp Pro apps (SketchUp, LayOut, StyleBuilder):
There is one installer per OS, each OS (Mac or Windows) have two options for languages (English is standard, other languages are embedded or by download)
Basically 4 versions of the same App

You need internet to download it.

The way you activate your license is different per type of license:

Classic: adding a license will contact the servers and they will send a SketchUp.lic file in return. Upon first activation per machine, internet is required. This .lic file is used to validate upon startup. Once a machine is activated, you do not need internet, anymore.

Subscription With subscription, you will use your Trimble ID to log in. You need internet. It will return a temporary log file with your Plan information and place it somewhere in the User data. SketchUp will use this info to validate upon startup. No internet needed. If it exceeds the 28-days period, then it’s not valid , anymore, you will need to have access and log in , again. (internet required)

That’s for validating. For use of features, 3DWarehouse, Extension Warehouse, and all other web-based features build inside the App, both types of licensing will need access to internet (duh!)

It is likely that differentiation between the two types will be in those features. For now, only the convenience of importing larger area’s at high import level is different, but most likely, others will follow.

Besides these built-in features, you get the different viewers when you have a subscription. Internet needed for activating the device (You can be logged in simultaneously on three devices).

Besides the desktop client SketchUp Pro, there are some more apps in the SketchUp Universe:

Trimble Connect, SketchUp Free and SketchUp Shop- these are all web-based, internet needed.

Everyone with a Trimble ID gets one Project folder and 10GB disk space and the use of SketchUp Free.
Subscribers get Trimble Connect business, which is unlimited projects and disk space and the SketchUp Shop.


HI Mike,

Just to complete,. There’s also a difference with the number of people in the Team…

And note also (I’m in the good post… But not in the good category, sorry😉) that several versions of trimble connect exist (I’m not speeking about free, business, premium…) but there’s also desktop, web, hololens,… Which required (or not) internet.


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