Chess Pieces (2).skp (4.7 MB)
I just finished this Caslte Chess Piece. I tried to build it all at once, but that had too many errors to be a solid. I then copied/moved the lowest ring profile, cut it, pasted it in place out of the edit, and made it a solid group. Then, I proceeded to go to the subsequent ring levels one by one, moved/copied, cut, pasted out of edit in place, opened the group up for edit, and pasted the ring levels one by one in place, edited the group and placed each level on top, keeping it solid. When I got to the top, I ended up doing it separately as a solid group. I then exploded the two groups and made them components (each solid). I had to do it that way to keep from getting too many external faces, internal faces, and border holes. I could see the faces as I assembled them and correct them as I progressed easier than doing it all at once. Hope that makes sense.
it does
It’s like the saying, “how do you eat an elephant ? one bite at a time”
question about the horse, is it me, or does it have pupils looking up on its eyes? from your screenshot it kinda looks like it’s rolling its eyes up a horse with an attitude for sure.
Yeah, in the first skp I did it that way. I got the idea from Anssi. Then, I moved them 45 degrees in the next skp, and it gives the knight (horse) a whole different attitude.
The ball bearing eyes of the horses are great. I did another render, this time much higher resolution, and I made the steel much shinier. The reflections in them are like ateliernab said, as if pupils are following you all the time!
Every Chess Set needs a box to put the board and pieces inside. I edited this post to add an
updated skp. I made some dovetail changes and added a scene for the bottom which I had
inadvertently forgotten.