Hi all…
I have been using Sketchup Pro for a couple of years, a casual user only, I usually enjoy using it but this week it is giving me some grief.
It refuses to load a ‘component’ into my model.
I downloaded some Pallets from the 3D warehouse (directly into model), they went into the ‘components’ library… but will not load into the model. [NB: Components that I created work fine and do load into the model]
I download other pallets to a folder on my PC, then imported them, and the same thing happened. They appear in the ‘Components’ library, but will not load into the model.
What size is the house you are drawing? Could it be that it is so small that the 2 inches between the pallet and pallet’s origin (the point you place when clicking the model) make the pallet end up outside of the screen?
I remember similar missing component issues. Does SketchUp Pro have any way of identifying a particular component in a model? Such as by highlighting it with color.
Except the component wasn’t missing in this case. The OP’s model was drawn at a much larger scale than the downloaded component. It wasn’t missing; just too small to see.
Instances is greyed out (even though there is an existing component in the model) when I try that and SU wants to copy the component into the model (I don’t use this panel much).
It will be grayed out if there are no instances of the component in the model space. Components can be “In Model” without there being any instances in the model space. Alternatively, it can be grayed out if the component is nested inside a component or group and that parent component/group is not open for editing.
The Outliner would be the fastest way to find it if you can’t actually see it.
No. I mean creating components in SketchUp. If the component is present in the model space, that is an instance of the component. Every time you make another copy of a component, you create another instance of it.