Cannot Load Component

I just got it to work for one component, but not the one I wanted. The component panel seems to always want to copy the select component into the model. I was trying to identify the component named Chartwell.

The file is too large to upload through the forum service. (it’s a 2 million sq. ft. retail / residential concept).

The service is making me log in. Can you upload it to DropBox or some other service that I don’t have to sign up for. I’d rather not have to sign up for another cloud service.

Any idea if I can I send it to you via forum messaging?

As long as it’s 3Mb or less you can. How big is the file?

It’s 7 MB.

You could upload it to the 3D Warehouse and share the link.

That would be too public. It is an early concept, part of a discovery process, but it does have a variety of unique design features.

I will try and find another simple model where there is a component select instances issue.

My error - I was searching for the wrong component - so that issue is resolved for that model.

To find a nested component, we need to use the outliner panel which is a slow process.

Maybe the appropriate SU request would be to speed up component identification in the outliner panel.

What makes it slow?

i type in the name of a component and it takes about 30 seconds for all the letters to show up as the outliner panel begins to sort through my group/component list.

Hmmm… I don’t see that happening on my end.

Have you purged your model recently?

The model contains over 1600 component instances, lots of nested components and groups. I search for a component titled Chartwell starting by typing c - after 9 seconds it identifies everything starting with “c” - I then type “h” and it takes another 9 seconds to finally identify the correct component.

Model has been purged regularly.

Oops - that should read 161,000 component instances over a 100-acre site.

Turning off half the layers reduces search time by 50% in outliner. So it looks like it is just due to the large number of components.