Really strange thing happening with my model.
Keep getting a bug splat whenever I want to save or want to render or create component etc.
Only thing I can come up with is that I keep getting this result when I check my model (model info).
It won’t get fixed but the same message comes up everytime I check it.
What I have tried already:
-select everything in the model and copy/paste it into a new file.
-checked my video card driver (updated to last version)
-Repaired Sketchup install with administrator
-I ran the plugin Cleanup (thomthom) multiple times.
-Uncheck everything in the OpenGL settings
-model is located on the local drive.
-Sketchup 2017 (installed with administrator)
-Windows 10
-Nvidia GTX 970 (latest drivers)
Well I don’t know what to do anymore, maybe someone on the forum.
Sander Hoogland