Bring This Bridge To Life

This is quite the ambitious project … I’m impressed with how much progress you’ve made in only 33 days.

Almost there :slight_smile:

Take my words for what I said and not what you think I said.
Sorry for insulting you was just trying to express word of caution to you.
Will not say any more.

I misinterpreted.

I welcome any and all feedback. I just honestly was not certain what you meant, and I must plead guilty to being not fully awake when I read your post.

Meanwhile, I manage to complete the main span underside detailing.

Compare the photo I was working from:

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I have placed the 4 incandescent lights on the sides of the center span.

This is the component I made:
Incandescent Lamp Fixture.skp (359.3 KB)

I was more or less forced to use creative license here because the few images I had to work with were unable to show the lights in any great detail.

Notice that my lens-making ability has marginally improved over the streetlights!

Alright, so…

It’s time I braced myself for the daunting task of preparing the terrain around the bridge and area.

I’ve placed the entire bridge model on the green axis, level with the “ground”, which in fact will be the surface of the water.

I intend to attempt to use a TIN “from scratch” which will also be on the green axis, and from here I plan to elevate from the water line to the various heights needed to make the terrain.

Can anyone tell me if this is a doable plan, or am I headed for disaster?

in a separate model, why not look at importing the location from GoogleMaps…

it’s built in, just use Add Location to grab all the bits you want…

when your happy with the result, make it all a group and copy/paste into the master model…


The problem with this is that a portion of the terrain is underneath the bridge, meaning that Google’s satellites didn’t capture it.

Still, I’ll give it a try.

Sketchup royally glitched on me.

Why is it showing this, and how I do undo it!?

A bit paranoid, are we? Toggle off the Back Edges button on the Style toolbar, pretty much the way you toggled it on.


Yes, I am now paranoid because I never had the Style toolbar on!

The solution was to re-download a copy I e-mailed myself earlier, but now the File menu has 2 “Bernt Gilbertson Bridge” files listed on it, one of which is invalid.

I don’t suppose there’s a way to remove this?

Thank you, by the way.

The guardrails I ordered arrived via helicopter today and I’ve begun putting them together thus:

I discovered the sidwalks on the bridge are too wide. Reworking them will be fun. Yes. Fun.

Press k, it is the default toggle for back edges on and off.

Ohhhhh. Well good lord.

My cat attacked the keyboard earlier right when I noticed this screwup, I should have realized.

I’m not very smart.

I believe items on the recent files list go away when the files they point to are no longer present. So just delete the extra file and move forward.

Your cat’s kind of dumb, but you’re fairly bright.


I have:

  • POS (current file)
  • Bernt Gilbertson Bridge(1)
  • Bernt Gilbertson Bridge
  • Bernt Gilbertson Bridge
  • BGB Bracket

As far as I am aware, only POS and BGB Bracket still exist…weird.

So, I, uh, did as you suggested:

Um. What am I meant to do with this? I don’t get it…

Oh my God help me…

So meanwhile, I abandon the terrain idea in favour of adding this gem to the bridge itself:



Pretty excited about this. The Hon. Gordon Carton is apparently still alive at age 94, and he opened a business that allowed Baskin Robbins ice cream to be introduced to Canada.

Isn’t history fun?

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So I’ve kind of messed up the importing of terrain from Google Earth…yeah…

There seems to be two ways of doing terrain from scratch - from contours, and from scratch.

I’ve been kind of playing with doing it from scratch, and it seems that I manage to lock up SketchUp when I select the sandbox size I need for the model with 1’ squares…

Is there a less painful way to go about doing this? I suppose I could simple do two sandboxes - one for each bridge side.
