I’m testing out several bridge design options that I’ve built in Sketchup, so my process for presentation is to render the geo-referenced design in Sketchup to take advantage of shadows and add on rendering tools, and to grab the existing stuff (buildings, trees, far off mountains) from an image save from Google Earth, and compile in Photoshop.
Trouble is duplicating the exact angle. I discovered somewhere else on the Interwebs that Google Earth uses a 60 degree FOV, so I can match the camera but the view angle is what I need so I can text multiple perspectives without a bunch of guesswork.
So I guess duplicating a Earth View in Sketchup or vice versa would be the simplified question.
I’ve been playing since I asked that question and I have an idea. You could set up a temporary file with a large box geolocated on the site and export a KMZ. Open that in GE and position the camera as needed. Then save two images. One with the box and one without. Use the image with the box for Match Photo in SketchUp to position the SketchUp camera to match the GE camera. Turn off the GE image in SketchUp and export your bridge image.
Good idea - I’ve tried this also as a work around, but I have 7 designs with three angles of view each - all saved as scenes in Sketchup. I’ve NEVER had good luck with the “match photo” command. Maybe I’d have better luck with a simple cube. I just figured the two programs must talk better
I think I would put the cube in a position so you are looking more straight on or slightly down on it. You’ll want to be able to see its edges from the same point of view you’d look at the bridges.
Yeah, there are only two channels by which SketchUp can interact with Google Earth.
One is SketchUp’s geolocation, which queries the Google Earth server via its API. That API limits what SketchUp can do and does not always yield the same thing as you see via GE’s own app or web viewer (Google does not publicly provide the same API as they use internally). Also, since several years ago the GE server no longer accepts upload of models from SketchUp.
The second is via .kml files. SketchUp can export and import .kml files. GE’s desktop app can read SketchUp’s .kml and superimpose the contents on your local view. The desktop GE can also export .kml files, however SketchUp’s importer cannot read some of the kinds of content that GE can create - notably geometry created in GE’s native format. So, for example, if you mark a location by drawing in GE and import the .kml to SketchUp your markings are almost certain to be lost during import.
It is interesting to note that Google Earth and Google Maps have very different camera settings when viewing. GE much more wide angle, and Maps more isometric.