Bring This Bridge To Life

I am trying to draw the right side of the Coat of Arms.

What I’ve drawn so far is co-planar, but when I attempt to draw the deer’s head, the resulting lines are not.

Can anyone explain to me why it’s being stupid like this?

I finished the Coat of Arms. It was mostly coplanar, but a few areas for some inexplicable reason weren’t, and I was rather losing my patience with the whole thing so I just said HONKITYHONK it and left it.

I was very, very tempted to replace the Latin (VT INCEPIT FIDELUS SIC PERMANET) with “SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS”, but somehow that seemed inappropriate…


That power pole is where the bridge’s lights get their power from, and the box has the fuse(s) and such. There’s also a photocell (not yet attached in the model) mounted about halfway up.

Detail of the 1970s era photocell, complete with wires coming out of the mast and into the device.

I put together a showcase video of the bridge pretty much completed.

And now, trying to position the Bamford Island ferry dock as per Google Earth relative to the bridge.

I took the “deep water” paint colour and modified it to 81% opacity, so now if you move the camera so you’re looking up at the bridge from under it you can see through it.

I think my plan of action is gonna be to make two TINS - one for each dock and area - and extrude them upwards to emulate the terrain. The suggestions from @jimhami42 and others for importing terrain just aren’t working out for me, for whatever reason (likely user error).

Wish me luck,

Got the decayed timber textured for the docks:

Now, I’ve had to reach a compromise here. The current state of the docks has the timbers disintegrating very badly, but to try to accurately-ish reproduce them in the model would probably lead to madness.

Soooo, I simply decided to draw them as perfectly geometric shapes (6" x 6" x 10’ and 6" x 6" x 5’ 6").

Learning my lesson from the metal signposts holes fiasco, I’ve trimmed down on the number of bolt holes.

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Oh this is nice. I lost 14+ hours of work because my save file corrupted.

Alright, back on schedule…

So I’m attempting to replicate the ferry mooring posts that were left on the dock:

As shown in an actual photograph, they are rounded where they meet the horizontal plate:

Does anyone know of any easy ways to emulate that?

Use the Follow Me tool to create the revolved post with the curve on the bottom:

Add a plate and some bolt holes:

You can use a rusty texture. Here’s one I found quickly and tweaked slighly:


You guys are wizards!

Where can I find that texture, @Gully_Foyle? That looks perfect.

Thank you once more.

As I said, I had to tweak it because it made seams as I found it. Here:

Edit: replaced .png with .skm

rusty.skm (375.5 KB)


What does the .skm extension do?

That’s an SU material file. Put it on your hard disk and use the Open or create collection command on the Materials browser Details menu (arrow icon) to open that location. Your rusty material should be available once you do. Select and apply it.


Perfect, I will try it out later this afternoon.

Also thanks to @jimhami42 for showing me the way.

I have completed the mooring detail:

I am very pleased with it.

I have a question though…

There needs to be 4 of these total; should I make it into a component or just manually copy and paste it?

Which is better?

Those look really nice :slight_smile:

Since they are all the same, you should definitely make it a component and then just copy it and paste it like you would a group. That way the geometry is only defined once and the other “copies” are simply locations and rotations. This helps to keep the file size down.

I should probably go back, then, and change the dock timbers into components eh?