XYZ printer DA Vinci 1.0A 3d printing keeps sketchup files wrong

I hope someone has run into this problem before. so here goes. I am using the XZY printer DA Vinci 1.0A and I created a bunch of files to export and print. These files I have created I have a center hole cut out. So I exported it to a .stl format from the sketchup app online. I then opened the file with zxyware, which results in the program saying that there is an error in the program and I can “AutoFix” the file. XYZWare is the printing program that came with the 3d printer. So I click the “AutoFix” and print the file but where there is supposed to be a hole in the middle is filled in. I’m new to 3d printing, so any advice would be awesome.

Thanks for your help


While I have no knowledge of the zxyware program, I can say that, from your description, you likely haven’t modeled your part as a “manifest solid”. Many, perhaps most, 3d printing problems are traceable to this.

To know more, we here on the forum will need to see your SketchUp file. To accomplish that from web versions of Sketchup you will first need to download the file to your computer, then upload it into your forum post or reply. I can’t help you with the first step as I rarely use SketchUp on the web, but I’m sure others will chime in if you can’t figure it out. To include your file in a reply here, click the upward pointing arrow icon that appears as you’re composing your post:

Included files have a maximum size limit of 3MB. If yours is larger, but 50BM or less, upload it to the 3D Warehouse instead and include a link in your post - be sure to mark it “public” on the 3d Warehouse!


Thanks for the reply. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Not sure if you guys want just the sketchup file, so I will include the .stl file I converted it into as well. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


car wheels 1.0.skp (291.6 KB)

Here is the other file


car wheels 1.0.stl (4.8 KB)

This model is not 3D printable as it is. It will not make a “solid” because it isn’t water tight. It’s not even close.

In order to be printable it needs to be an enclosed volume. Here I’ve deleted the bottom edge and the outside faces and then extruded the donut with Push/Pull to make an enclosed volume. Notice there’s a face on the bottom and faces inside the hole. When you have made the model correctly, the exported STL file should print just fine.
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