What is driving the file size? Geometry you created? Overly large textures? Geometry you imported from 3d warehouse?
Most of my high end residential projects at the schematic design stage are in the 80-90mb size range. I have scenes set for ‘presentation’ and to use in LayOut and have different ‘working’ scenes that are using a fast drawing style - no profiles, no shadows, and using the ‘shaded’ face style.
Hardware-wise there is not much you can do.
Purge the models.
What counts most is the actual edge/face count that SketchUp has to process when you work with a model. You can check those in the Model Info>Statistics window (Check the “Show nested components” box). Large texture images are another thing that pumps up file size and decreases performance but their impact is not as big as that of “geometry”. You can reduce large textures with an extension.
The worst culprit bringing down SketchUp performance is too detailed entourage components downloaded from the 3D Warehouse. Trees, furniture, cars, people etc. Try to avoid using them, or try replacing them with simpler ones.