How to reduce my skp file?

13 Hi everyone.
I want to upload my Sketchup model into the 3D Warehouse, but the file is too large (130mb) and it can upload only be up to 50mb… :frowning: What can I do with it? How to reduce?
I tried with Cleanup 3, but it didn’t do anything.

There are two things that are the most common causes of very large files: unused components or materials, and overly detailed components imported from the 3D Warehouse. To rid the file of the former, do Model Info->Statistics->Purge Unused. For the latter, turn on view->hidden geometry and take a close look at anything with curves or lots of fine detail. Sometimes you can simplify a complex object, but more often you need to look for a simpler replacement.

In addition to 3D warehouse components, which are often ‘heavy’ with added detail and or materials, you can check all materials (and their sizes) in your file using the Material Tools Extension. This way you can edit any too large textures.

Also make sure that you are using components for all repeating elements. Make sure that your model is near the origin. Lots of things to check…try searching the forum for other ideas as this is a reoccurring need. For example: Reduce a file in size - #12 by boardumb

You can share it via dropbox/we-transfer or similar and somebody can have a look.

An initial step would be to look into the component tray and toggle on components in model - then purge. This will rid model of extra stuff. Then do the same in materials… Always do components before materials.
This may not be your specific issue, but its a good place to start before the arduous work of simplification.

  • Reduce edges & faces
  • Reduce “in-model” textures (Some textures are over 1 MB)
  • Use components instead of Groups when possible

Can you post a screenshot of your model statistics? It looks like this.