My file size is out of control

Hey guys,

I am having trouble getting this file size down, it is currently almost 300MB. I am designing a building for a school project, and have been importing a number of office products from the 3D warehouse. I have been reading for the past couple days on how to decrease file sizes (i.e. purging, reducing polygons, etc.), but I cannot seem to get it down. My main questions are: 1. How do I go about decreasing the size of components downloaded from the 3D warehouse? 2. How can I tell what is consuming the largest proportions of my file size? 3. Any helpful tips on maintaining manageable file sizes for large projects?

Here is the link to my .skp file,

Please help! Thanks!

I didn’t download your file yet because I have to leave shortly but…

Hunt through each component and see if there is stuff you don’t need. For example, desks don’t need drawer boxes, cabinets with doors don’t need shelves inside. Appliances don’t need any of their internal workings. A built in fridge doesn’t need anything but the front and maybe a side or two. No bottom, no back, no guts.

It’s a little late on this project but on the next one, it’s wise to be discerning. Look at file size when you are shopping for components and avoid the big ones. Also never import them directly into your main model. Always open them in a separate file so you can correct them and make them usable for your needs before copying them into your main model

.[quote=“samantha.wehrkamp, post:1, topic:43129”]
2. How can I tell what is consuming the largest proportions of my file size?

Pretty much any component with a lot of geometry and detail will be big. Also look at the materials. Often people create materials using much larger file sizes than they need. Look at the various textures. Do any of them stick out as potentially being large? You can open them in an external image editor and resize the image to make it smaller. That might help.

Make your own components especially for anything that might have multiples. Maybe consider making your own lightweight components instead of relying on the warehouse. Sometimes I find it easier to draw my own components than to fix ones available in the Warehouse.


Open file go to windows, model info, statistics and select purge and make sure the netsted components is checked. You will the probably have to wait fro a while so go watch TV for a while it will take some time.
That step reduced file from 300MB to 116MB. The model has many other areas you can get size down but will take some time. You want to take steps that can be done on batch basis Trimble made some recent changes where the files I need are stored so will have to take some time and find them.
It you try and work on you model make sure you set it for monochrome rendering mode. That reduces the load on the graphics and will help with orbiting . Here is link to Drop Box too bing to post herein

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I would recommend to not use components from 3dwarehous except for those made my SketchUp themselves. Most components (of those that look usable) are extremely large, often with completely unnecessary details like screwheads. Adding just a few pieces of furniture can easily double the file size of an architectural project.

I’ll join the pile-on :smiling_imp:

The worst instances of excessive detail I’ve encountered in the 3D Warehouse come from people who are focused on a single, sometimes small item with no context in which it will be used. Stand-alone the models might not seem too bad, but when imported into your model they are disasters. For example:

  • models of things such as furniture, lamps, plumbing fixtures, doorknobs, dishware and eating utensils, etc. that you import into a model of a building. They are small details in the building, yet can require far more edges than your walls, floors, etc. Except in an extreme closeup rendering you won’t be able to see the details!
  • models provided by manufacturers. These are often either generated directly from the manufacturer’s CAD or created to provide a realistic rendering when viewed up close. I recently saw a sink model in which the drain strainers used almost 10,000 edges! Unless you plan to show the model from the point of view of an ant crawling along the sink bottom that is surely gross overkill!
  • models that use 3D Text where it won’t be legible. I once saw a model of a village in which the user had imported a car model from 3DW, and the text on the license plate used thousands of edges! Was that really a significant thing to show?
  • models that were created for 3D printing. Unless you will also be 3D printing, these will have small features that don’t matter.

To further amplify what eneroth3 notes, if using 3d ware house models first down load to separate SU instance so you can make changes w/o other entities in the way.
In addition there are a number of other problems in your model. For example the x box model has its primitive geometry on the ceiling layer (!!!) but primitive geometry should be on layer0. Layers are only used for visibility control; components for geometry isolation.
Suggest you spend some time at the help center and watch the training videos before you go any further. That will save you lots of issue in the long run.

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