I have a 210 MB project, quite simple, some walls of about 40 meters by 2.5 meters high with inserted images, being a product showroom. I’ve been working in the SU for this exposure system every year since 2015. But for about 2 weeks now it’s actually a pain to work - I haven’t advanced at all, a 10 minute thing takes even hours - recurring problems are: I can’t insert images, it blocks and does not save; I cannot change the color of the walls, it blocks and does not save; I cannot change the view, it blocks and does not save. I checked with my office IT team if there is a problem with the graphic card - it looks fine, has resources, it is upgraded - I changed the browser - but nothing, it still works awful.
I have an annual shop subscription, not that it matters …
I thought I’d ask maybe it’s another source of my problem and I can go back to the fluidity and fluency of working in the SU before.
Ok, so it is big. Since you told me it’s been purging…still does…
The images are 1 - max 1.4 MB - and there are 25 such images plus 4 warehouse images (2 sets 1 table+4 chairs; 1 plant; 1 touchscreen stand).
By any chance, have you downloaded many components from the 3D Warehouse to fill up the showroom? Are they complex things such as faucets or lighting fixtures or chairs with 100000 edges and faces each? A lot of those will make for a large SKP file and long time to save and reload.
You could upload it to dropbox or similar and put a link here and someone will look at it for you.
I won’t download a file that big as I have limited internet, but others will.