I’m not real savvy about sketchup, am taking an intermediate sketchup class currently, and cannot keep up with the class work because things keep disappearing from my models. I work for hours on a house model, group everything, make components as appropriate, cut and paste in place, save the file and a backup copy, and when I reopen the files things are missing from the model, like windows, railings, walls, etc. The left to right select box does not select, only the right to left select. The link between components disappears, so the second instance of the component does not update along with the first when I have the component box engaged. Faces that should form don’t, despite microscopic inspection to try to find where planes might not be correctly aligned.
I’m using a new HP Envy laptop, with an Nvidia graphics card, and have the sketchup program set to use the Nvidia card. (Earlier problems revolved around the computer defaulting to a low-memory intel card. Got that fixed.) No, I haven’t engaged the 2019 update yet, because I’ve been having so many problems with the 2018 version I didn’t want to add adaptation to an unfamiliar system to the mix.
I cannot keep redoing the same work over and over. What am I doing wrong? I figure it must be pilot error because I’ve had similar difficulties with previous versions.
Please help.