Will pay for profile builder help

Willing to pay for Profile Builder help in creating an ICF (insulated Concrete Form) assembly.

What are you trying to get? looking for a cross-sectional view for the form? Send me the brand of ICF you are looking for.

I want todo an ICF assembly with rebar and and be able to cut holes for doors and windows with vertical and horizontal bars. Also want to adjust for my mid span splicing (the cut to fit pieces in the middle of a given wall. I have created the ICF blocks and corner blocks and some rebar corners. I just donā€™t have the time because of work learn PB. Itā€™s obviously a very powerful tool and I have a license but I have to start subbing work out to keep up

Anyway, if you are interested email me at timbcarter55@gmail.com and we can work something out. Iā€™m getting ready to get on a plane from LA back to Texas but Iā€™ll check my email.

I donā€™t think Profile Builder is the right application for inserting the block. If you have created each as a component you can drag and drop from the component menu. You could insert the rebar into the ICF using profile building as it is just a circle of the appropriate size.

I donā€™t think Profile Builder will work for IDF blocks. If you have a library of ICF Blocks and Corners use the Components menu to install in your plan. The Profile builder would require this to be an assembly and I am not sure that can be created. I checked and they do not have assemblies for brick or block. You could use PB for the rebar as its profile is just a circle of the appropriate size. You might be able to use the Double Cut extension to make door and window openings. Flex Tools extension might work for doors and windows and double cut is built in to that extension. Send me a sample wall and I can run FlexTools on it and see if I can get doors and windows to cut automatically.

Please reply to rather then this email address.


@mballes and @timbcarter55 ,
Please remove your email addresses from your posts. Itā€™s against forum rules and bots are roaming the web for personal information like that.
If you want to have a private conversation here you can do so by PM.

You might be able to make Profile Builder to do ICFā€™s. The assemblies consist of repeating elements like posts and pickets, so that could do blocks, and extrusions like handrails which could do horizontal rebar.

I think Medeek Foundation did something with ICFā€™s but I confess I havenā€™t tried it.


Profile builder supports assemblies. And since it is possible, below I think it is not a problem to use PB for the OPā€™s task. The only problem may be the fact that PB ā€œstretchesā€ the elements inside, treating them like rubber.

I have Medeek tools and I will try that next. I have attached a very simple model using Amvic forms from 3d warehouse I tried installing a Flextool door and window but it want make the cut through the wall. Might need to make the cuts manually since the wall is a series of components.
ICF walls.skp (1.4 MB)

Is that assembly double sided? or applied to a wall?
ICF walls.skp (1.4 MB)
attached is a quick wall using Amvic ICF forms just straight sections and corners how would you create an assembly out of these blocks? One thing that Amvic does not have is a half block?
ICF walls.skp (1.4 MB)

FlexTools can only cut through whole, single faces. There can be multiple plies, but but it fails when the hole hits an edge anywhere.

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No need to use the FlexTool to cut. Profile Builder has a Hole tool that can cut through multiple objects. It can also skip objects you donā€™t want to cut, like the hole on the right where the fasteners remain intact

PB is a realy power fool tool.

Also, your model isnā€™t up to the task. Nesting components will cause that an attempt to cut, for example, a window, will remove the entire structure of the wall! The bricks must be in groups if you want to cut holes in them. Also fasteners are not solids which causes problems with cutting

I wonder why model things that are hidden? As far as I can (maybe) justify the modeling of bricks in order to calculate (but there are calculators for that) the number of pieces, why model fasteners as this case? A small wall 40ā€™x40ā€™ can already cause problems for a computer (with you model), let alone an entire building. And when we add cables. pipes, boards, nails and screws? I wonder who will be the first to ask how to model sand grains in concrete to calculate how much sand will be needed to build a house.

As you can see, itā€™s possible, but why?

Iā€™ll be back in my office Monday and
Iā€™d like to talk to you further. I want to do all my structures when possible in ICF
and be able to use quantifier to calculate my concrete steel and block costs as well as opening costs. Iā€™ll pay you what you want to help me set that up. Iā€™ll send you what I have. I had to draw my own blocks because mfgr had inaccurate and too many components. I draw well in SU
but I suck at the the automation. Too impatient because lack of tech support.

I think this video shows how can you do something similar and could helpā€¦

I tend to approach these sort of requests with the 80/20 rule.
Setting up the assembly is relatively quick (20%) and would produce 80% of the desired outcome.
Tweeking the assembly until you have it the way you want it in all possible scenarios (remaining 20%) will take 80% more time and budget.


I would argue here. When designing, for example, a paddling pool or a shower cabin, I would spend, say, a day on a given size. Creating the entire dimensional group was a small problem and a short time. Always the first project takes more time. Mods are already going faster. You already have a paved road. Same here. If it was as you write 80/20 and 20/80 then the whole philosophy of templates would be pointless. However, I agree with the issue of the correctness of modeling certain details as I wrote above. Especially when someone exaggerates with ā€œaccuracyā€. From the @mballes model, as you can see above, the simple 4 walls of 35ā€™ have already given the computer food for thought. So, no matter how you look at it, you should use the right tools properly. Below is a simplified model that generates much less polygons and is just as useful.


Iā€™ve set up ICF in both the Wall and Foundation plugin however it does not model each block separately. I think that would provide too much detail and make the model too heavy.


Block modeling has the only advantage that it can help to calculate specific types of ICF blocks that are present in some systems, e.g. corner, end, angle. Personally, Iā€™m of the opinion that you can use a calculator for thisā€¦ Iā€™m against modeling threads except when you want to print them :wink:

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