Please whitelist to sign in with Google, please.
We are Richmond Public Schools in Richmond, Virginia.
Hi lhorrell. I just confirmed you have been added to the list and should be all set to go! If you encounter any additional problems, please feel free to reach out to me anytime.
Hello CaseyG. Here at, we are still not able to log in with Google to access Sketch-up.
The technician said that it is an Android app that does not work well on our Chromebooks or other devices. I do not have a Chromebook and I keep getting caught in the loop.
Is there a link or more information that I can pass on to the administrator here to get us connected?
That is rather unusual. we designed the app to be as Chomebook friendly as possible. Do you know if the IT team deployed the app correctly? If you are not sure, please consult this page: As my School's G Suite for Education IT Administrator, how do I deploy SketchUp for Schools?
Also, are you sure your device(s) are able to meet the minimum requirements?
If you are not sure, please consult this page: SketchUp for Schools System Requirements | SketchUp Help
If you are sure that the IT team has deployed the app correctly and that your device(s) meet the minimum requirements, I can take a look at figuring out the next steps to help get you up and running as soon as possible.