When I am doing a simple drawing (as I was with the attached) zoom extend stops working and I lose most of the model

when I am doing a simple drawing (as I was with the attached) zoom extend stops working and I lose most of the model…

No model attached but I would guess you have something located at a great distance from the rest of the model. Locate it and delete it.

Thanks Dave, however there is definitely not something located at distance. I opened a new sketchup file and was doing a simple floorplan which I’ve done hundreds of times before. There seems something amiss with zoom extends on the latest version of Pro which I have just purchased. I’ve used the free version for years. Model now attached. I appreciate your time


Brian zoom extends issue.skp (323 KB)

I’ve been using SU 2017 since it came out and I frequently use Some Extents. It’s never given me any problems in my models. I’ll look at yours.

Brian Fixed.skp (165.2 KB)

I copied your model to a new SKP file and saved that. The Zoom Extents works fine for me.

After deleting the model and purging unused components, there are three text entities still remaining in the model at a great distance from the origin.

To put a little more flesh on what @DaveR reported, I found these three texts completely unmoored: (formatted as: text string at (reference position), vector (offset vector))

“67045000 mm²” at ( -nanmm, -nanmm, -nanmm), vector (NaN, NaN, NaN)
“63270000 mm²” at ( -nanmm, -nanmm, -nanmm), vector (NaN, NaN, NaN)
“61760000 mm²” at ( -nanmm, -nanmm, -nanmm), vector (NaN, NaN, NaN)

I don’t know how it happened, but those “nan” and “NaN” stand for “not a number”, meaning that the reference point and offset vector to it are not just large, they are indeterminate. They cause zoom-extents to move the camera to infinity. It should have been impossible for you to create these defective texts, so there is a bug lurking somewhere!

Erasing those three texts makes zoom extents work properly again.

Thanks Steve

Thanks Dave