I have an indicator enclosure that has part ridges within the hollow space for the bezel to lock into however I have recreated the modle but cannot find assistance in creating the lock ridges i first thought it was a thread but they are horizontal, they ar only on the two sides, see picture
I can’t see them that well and I’m on my phone at the moment but I would probably use Follow Me to create those. Might make sense to create a cross section of the whole thing with the rib profiles outlined and use Follow Me around a circular path.
Also … the ridges are their own “Group” … so they still need to be “joined” to the cap.
Meanwhile … there are also the two “vertical slots” in the ridges that need to be added … by removing some material. And that might be done more easily before combining the ridges and the cap.
And now that I look at the image of the cap again … it looks like there are only six ridges … NOT seven. So much for my counting skills.