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Welcome to the SketchUp Community! :wink: There are so many awesome SketchUpers in this community that we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the cool things you - yes you - are up to! [Learn about our super users, SketchUp Sages.]

Please create a post and introduce yourself. Here are some potential quesitons to get you started

  • **Who are you?
  • What is your industry and profession?
  • Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally?
  • Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it?
  • How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced?
  • Have you gone to a SketchUp 3DBasecamp?
  • What is your current set up? [Computer type, SketchUp version…etc.] *
  • Do you have a 3D Warehouse page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us?
  • Anything else you would like to tell us?
  • What is your favorite Emoji?

Let’s get this party started! Woot! :tada: You might notice that this thread is quite long by now… if you’d like to skip ahead, simply click on the bottom of the timeline directly to the right of this post.

To start a response, click the Reply button on the right side of the screen to begin your reply. Note that you’ll need to be logged in first. If not, click the Login In button in the top right corner if you’ve logged into other SketchUp sites, such as 3D Warehouse or Extension Warehouse, and then click With SketchUp. If you’ve never logged into a SketchUp site, click the Sign Up button to get started:



  1. Go ahead and [introduce yourself] (Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself :)). Don’t be shy.
  2. If you are new to our forums check out this forum thread on how things work over here.
  3. Review our Community Guidelines.
  4. Fill out your user profile to include SketchUp version and computer type.

Have a customer support issue that can’t be solved in the Forums? Please check out our Help Center.


Who are you, who, who? I’m Guy Wydouw

What is your industry and profession? I’m an architect and a plugin developer

Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? I use SketchUp professionally. My entire architectural firm runs on SketchUp and we develop the most awesome SketchUp extension… Skalp for SketchUp

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? (Besides using it to impress the babes…) I use SketchUp because it’s fun, it’s easy, it’s generic and it has a great API!

How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Advanced

What is your current set up? Computer type, SketchUp version…etc. (Your lake house and Ferrari don’t count) Sketchup Pro 2015 running on a macbook pro 15" retina with 2 23" HD monitors

Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? www.skalp4sketchup.com and www.wydouw.be


I’m just an amateur user, but have been using Sketch Up on and off for years.
I do creative design work, but have many limitations on layering,
integrating with google earth, etc.

I am just starting to model a new residence that will sit on a lot high
above Cook Inlet outside Anchorage Alaska. A sit that is on the edge
of a national park with views to Cook Inlet and Turnagain Arm, with views
to Mt. Denali and the City of Anchorage.

I hope to get a dynamic placement of the model in this site, but am
pretty technically limited.

I have the first floor modeled and need to move on to the level 2 and roof.

Right now I have a problem in that the layer command does not show the locking options
and I need to lock level 1.

I hope to get this worked out soon, but getting the model placed in the
three dimensional site would be quite awesome.




My name is Simon and my use for Google Sketchup is in the Flight Simulator content creator area.
I design 3D airports for flight simulators on PC.

I will say my knowledge of making 3D airports is in the advanced category.
This is a Jetway I created for the Ottawa Airport project, is accurate to the real life Jetway at Ottawa Airport.
I find Sketchup great to work with and time saved as well compared to other applications, something every Sketchup user knows.


Hi Everyone,

I snapped up Sketchup as soon as I saw it released [cant remember when], at the time I was the Production Manager for PTW Architects in Sydney, Australia Having been an enthusiastic user of Alias Upfront before Sketchup I quickly saw the potential.

Anyway, after 20+ years in PTW I have setttled down in Da Nang Vietnam and Sketchup is still my go to software from master planning 200+ ha urban areas to interior and construction detailing.

Absolutely Brilliant software and a big thank you to all the amazing plugin developers.

Latest project


Who are you, who, who? My name is Wade Schmidt

What is your industry and profession? Architectural Illustrator/Modeler

Where do you use SketchUp? 5 years personally and almost 3 years professionally

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I use SketchUp because of the excitement and evolution it creates through the community of users and developers.

How proficient are you in SketchUp? Advanced

What is your current set up? Lenovo Desktop: 16GB; Intel CORE i7; SketchUp Pro 2015.

Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? Working toward getting a 3DW page.

Anything else you would like to tell us? I thought this was a SketchUp addicts support group… and I was right.

What is your favorite Emoji? :slight_smile: Classic

Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? No, but I was once told to take a long walk off a short pier!


What is your industry and profession? I am an architect in my own firm, Evolver Architects

Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? Professionally.Most of my projects are created with SketchUp.

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? The most user-friendly 3D modelling tool so far.

How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Intermediate

What is your current set up? Computer type, SketchUp version…etc. PC with Nvidia 660 GTX, 8 GB RAM.

Do you have a 3DW page with your models, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us?

Anything else you would like to tell us? I love being a part of the broader community and SketchUp team.
What is your favorite Emoji? :smile:

Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? Yes, but just during the holiday season. I live and work in South Jakarta. No beautiful beaches here.


I am retired and living in rural Missouri. I originally downloaded SketchUp to use in my hobby of woodworking, but never pursued it because of the learning curve vs the ease of scrawling drawings on a piece of scrap paper. However, my latest project is building a geodesic dome, and I find I need to create an accurate floor plan. I’ve been getting familiar with the various tools and functions on my own, but came here to get opinions on generating a dome - initially a 2D floor plan, and then a 3D shell.

I have the free SketchUp 2014 for the moment.

Favorite Emoji? Eons ago I majored in English Lit and Philosophy and am impervious to Emojis.

We’re short on beaches around here, so I enjoy long walks in the woods.


Hiya! I am Chris 46 years old from London, UK. Director and owner of a Small general building company and Carpenter by trade. I just started playing around with Sketchup 2015 and love it. I have already sketched a few work pieces i.e. double door shaker style wardrobes and alcove cabinets and a few other test pieces. I am using a Cutting List add-on which is really handy. Eventually I would like to design and draw up the plans for my house etc. Thanks


I am an intermediate user of SketchUp living in rural western Colorado rand have found it really useful in design/building of custom homes. Formerly I did construction drawings in Vectorworks, but am now trying to become familiar with LayOut and see if that will work for residential construction projects.
I like SketchUp because its interface is more like a box of crayons than the cockpit of a 747, yet it has a surprising depth in function.


Who are you, who, who? I am Kevin. I am 65 and retired in Alabama.

What is your industry and profession? I am “a jack of all trades and master of none.”

Where do you use SketchUp? At home for personal use.

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I started using SketchUp with Version 7 to plan renovations and a remodel of my home, as well as some woodworking projects. My favorite thing is that it’s so much easier to use than any other 3D software I have tried.

How proficient are you in SketchUp? I guess I am a Beginner for the most part, but intermediate in some regards.

What is your current set up? I have an Acer Aspire 6920 laptop, running Windows Vista and SketchUp Make 2014 (2015 won’t run under Vista.

Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? Not yet.

Anything else you would like to tell us? I’m nearing the end of a total basement remodel which I have 7 SketchUp models for, each one teaching me something new. I am also modeling (or learning to model) several different woodworking projects.

Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? Whenever I can; long drive away.


Reporting in: RileyG
Bus Driver and Technology guru for a tiny Pre-K through 12 school in OK.
I ‘run’ the computer hardware class once a year for the Comp-Prog class.
I have been told to load and learn Sketchup for a possible resource for the Comp-Prog class.
I have some questions.

Off to find out what category/column/listing this question fits under.


Hi. My name is Bud Latta. I’m a professional engineer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Retiring soon, and expect to have more time to fool around with my computers and gadgets. I have spent some time with AutoCad but never to point of being proficient. I downloaded the trial version of SketchUp Pro and have been trying to get a handle on it, with goal of deciding if I would pay for a license and make it my “go to” design/modelling program. Not there yet.


Hello there,
My name is Santos Carrion. I’m from Puerto Rico. And yes, since I live on a tropical Caribbean island, I do go to the beach,… all year around mind you. Oh yea, I think of myself as a Caribbean Pirate, but only when drunk on,…you guessed it,…rum. (Just Kidding :smile: )

I make myself a living doing a few odd jobs from home like computer repair, website development and online selling. I am also a U.S. Navy veteran. After about 6 or 7 years of not practicing some 3d modeling, I recently started again with Sketchup. I am strictly just on a personal level using Sketchup, I am a somewhat of a noob at 3d modeling, though I do have so far some very basic Sketchup modeling skills.

When ever I model with Sketchup, I like doing mainly architectural stuff, like buildings, houses and such. Sketchup is my favorite modeler to use, due to the fact it is very easy to learn and use. I just use the freeware version of Sketchup, it’s all I need for now. One area I really started getting in to since it falls within website development, is WebGL.

But also in particular, X3DOM. I have already published a working X3DOM 3d site which was originally modeled with Sketchup as an example test. As my first regular forum post after this one, I will see if I can put a easy to follow Sketchup to X3DOM tutorial on this forum. Well, that’s it for now, until later…


I am Randy Hardy. I work in Finance for a very large aerospace co. I am a newbie/beginner/amateur… I am building a shed next to my house = 19’L 8’W x 10’ H. I want to use sketchup make to do the frame drawing for planning. Thanks.


Hi, I’m Brian Wharton. I used to work in Structural Dynamic (practical reliability in the space, telecoms and nuclear industries). Mostly into into woodwork now and love designing projects in Make2015 to build in the workshop.


I’m nicle smaith. I agree to your topic. thanks for sharing.


Hi I’m Nic. I am a photographer but learning how to use Sketchup in order to design my house.


- Who are you, who, who?
Hello everyone, I’m Thibault, I used to play with SketchUp 6 years ago. I was around 13 years old, my first goal was to modelize my parent’s home.
- What is your industry and profession?
Now I’m an apprentice in the NICT (New Information and Communication Technologies) in a waste treatment companies in France.
- Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally?
I use SketchUp Personnally, during my free time, at university we usually use 3ds Max.
- Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it?
When I was 13 years old i used SketchUp for his simplicity and because I wanted to put my parent’s home on Google Hearth and it was the only solution.
- How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced?
Well I was a Beginner without doubt, and because I didn’t use SketchUp since a long time I don’t think I have improved.
- What is your current set up?
A desktop computer with an AMD-FX 8350 processor and a GTX 770 Video Card.
- Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us?
I had an old account with some models 5 years ago, but I suppressed it, however the models stills remains.
- Anything else you would like to tell us?
I like to modelize some spaceship and listen music.
- Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…?
I prefer to wander in the forest or in my room.