Warning box on startup

For the last couple days, every time I start up sketchup I see this dialog. Anyone know what’s causing this? Do I need to do yet another new clean install of SU?

This is happening in SU Pro 2019

You’re running Estimator, right? Someone else reported this earlier today. Contact the author.

Hi @DaveR and @clearplanmodeling

I’ve had this today as well.

I’ve contacted John at Estimator for Sketchup and he has acknowledged that they are aware of this issue and are in the process of dealing with it.

Kind regards


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Hi, Dave,

Yes, I am. I see now it’s an issue with that. Hopefully John sorts that out quickly.

Hope all is well with you!


Thanks for letting me know, Mike. I had no idea what was causing this and, well, this sort of thing drives me nutz.

Hi Bob

I received an e-mail from John at Estimator this morning, and the problem appears to be fixed.

I have tried my Sketchup and have had no problems.

Kind regards


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Hello, Mike

Yes, just checked mine, all seems to be in order.

Take care.


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