VRAY rendering really pixelated

My render is really pixelated on the Frame Buffer on both the interactive render and also when I try to export the render. I’ve read online that you should try to change the quality but there isn’t an option on my asset editor to change the quality.

Can someone help?

Thank you

hello, doesn’t look like pixels to me, but noise. Have you tried reactivating the denoiser ?
also your viewport render indicates that the image has not yet finish to calculate (compiling) are you sure you waited long enough ?

quality slider is at the very top in the “engine” section

I had it set on CPU. I have just changed it to CUDA like yours states so I can access the ‘Quality’ as it was disable before. I’m not sure what the difference is between those x3 engine options.

What should I be changing in the ‘noise’ to make the picture more clear.

That’s a good point about the compliling. I have it as an interactive render until I’ve finished all my modifications and then I disable to interactive render and click ‘render’ but it’s still noisy. Is there a process i should be doing differently.

Are you definitely waiting for it to finish? As an image that size will take a while (maybe half an hour or more).

Also are you sure there’s enough light in your scene? As them being dark can cause noise.

If you share your file you might get some better advice.

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