Dear experts, have you ever seen textures disappearedfrom existing SketchUp file?
How I met the problem:
1, we have sketchup files on Windows file share, with all textures for sure
2, I opened the file with textures, did some changes and saved it (no export, just save)
3, my colleague opened it few minutes later
4, In the file with reference “book.jpg” was only “.jpg” on material detail. There were no textures at all, not only “book.jpg”, but dozens of similar textures.
5, texture files (for example “book.jpg”) still remained in the same location.
Do any of the texture filenames have Unicode characters ?
Dear Dan, I cannot proof it, so I’ll be careful about unicode.
Thanks a lot!
I am just guessing. It would be much better if your could post a SKP file that has these issues.
The file is big, so I’ll wait for next occurrence. Perhaps I confess
You can purge the models before posting:
Window > ModelInfo > Statistics > Purge Unused
Are your Materials texture files also on a shared network folder ?
Dear Dan, It seems the problem is with VRAY extension. When VRAY is loaded, textures disappear. I asked VRAY reseller for help.
And yes, textures are on shared network folder.