Viewport rendering issues in LO24

Hello all! I’ve looked up loads of things here but this is my first time posting.

I have a landscape drawing, 2D scenes and 3D model scenes, and when I insert into Layout, the viewport is there but blank. It’s auto-setting to raster. When I double click in the viewport I can see the model scene perfectly. Click out and it’s gone. Shows up again when I switch it to vector. But it’s only linework, so I’d rather use raster so it’s quicker and less memory used.

I’ve checked every setting I can think of. I tried the same procedure with a different model and raster worked fine. So it’s something with the model, right? But what would cause that?

Thanks for any help you can offer. I’ve been trying things for 2 days without success.

It would help if you share the LayOut file so we can see the exact setup.

I don’t think it would help, since I’ve had the same thing happen when inserting the sketchup file into a brand new layout file. (System letter landscape template)

It’s something to do with bringing this model in but I can’t see any issues with the model either. All the appropriate tags are on, scenes updated, it’s not an overly huge file. (959kb) Have you ever heard of this happening?

No. I haven’t heard of this happening but I expect there’s an easy fix if we can just see a LayOut file that does this for you. I can make guesses but that seems like a waste of your time and mine.

Share the file or there is no way to really help you.

Are you using the new or old graphics engine?

What happens if you export it to PDF?

I checked and I don’t have permission to share (it’s of a property that is not mine) so I guess I’ll just keep trying things to see if I can solve it. I can make the viewport work by putting it to vector but I shouldn’t have to with a line drawing so it’s bugging me.
Thanks anyway.

You could send it to me via a private message. I won’t share the file with anyone else.

Thank you, Dave, I think I will take you up on that. I just have to figure out how to do that. (Newbie) It’s got to be something in the Sketchup model because when I bring in from another model to the same Layout file, it shows everything normally (auto render setting).

Upload the file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link with me. Click on my name and then Message to send a private message.

Share both the SketchUp and LayOut files.

For anyone else who comes along with a similar issue, @JBR223 sent me her LO file. It turns out that the model would disappear when switching the viewport rendering type to Raster. It’s because the scene used the Wireframe face style. Switching to Hidden Line face style and updating the model was the fix.