Layout Raster Viewport Not rendering

Raster Viewport is Blank, nothing renders. I can get hybrid to render but no colors. This is a simple file, simple polygon with 3 colors. This was my test file after not being able to get my working file to render.
cube test.skp (41.6 KB)
cube test.layout (53.7 KB)

What version of SketchUp and LayOut are you using? Your profile says SketchUp 2017. Is that still correct?

This is what I see when I open your file in LayOut 2024. The viewport is rendered as Hybrid and shows colors. You’ve overridden the Camera properties from the scene so changes to the scene’s camera in SketchUp should not be expected to show in the LayOut file.

It looks the same rendered as Raster but the edges are pixelated because they aren’t vector linework as they are with Hybrid render.

Thank you Dave. I have 2024 version.
I am not sure how “I overoad” the layout camera scenes before LO opened? I sent the SU file direct to LO from SU, selected my template, and the file opened without any colors. Now after it opened I click on camera views trying to get my colors. NO with my messing around.

Well good news though, I opened the SU file in LO and it appeared fine with colors from the start, I do not know what I did different. Except for the fact I am opening the files on different computers. I have the software loaded on my home computer and work computers. I keep files on trimble connect.

Please correct your forum profile.

You didn’t. But after you opened the file in LayOut you modified the Camera for the viewport.