I’m a designer who operates su2024 with computer dual screen, your su2024 version number 24.0.594 has a serious locking sub-screen bug. it’s very garbage, very affecting the experience, every time I turn on the su, it appears on the sub-screen, after moving to the main screen, the right-click menu is still displayed on the sub-screen, and restarting the su again it’s still on the sub-screen, I didn’t find any way to solve it (including reinstalling the su)
Hello, it should have been fixed in the 2025 version
Is that right? But unfortunately I’m not planning to use 2025 right now, because some plugins are not compatible, and also the 2025 version itself is not stable enough, I usually use the even numbered year version. Why can’t this bug be fixed in 2024?
I’d say 2025 is more stable, and what plugins aren’t working ?
Have you tried it? I don’t think there have been fundamental changes to the Ruby API to extension worked in SU 2024 won’t work in SU 2025.
For me it’s more stable than 2024.
Because they decided to give a bug fix as new new major version.
You can try to change which screen is the main in Windows setting. ( You could also try setting your resolution to something else that you currently have.)
yeah, the big jump was 2024 with the updates in ruby.
I think Enscape is the only one I’ve seen that is not compatible yet. they have a pre-release version that seems to be working though.
[quote=“dezmo, post:5, topic:319884”]
Have you tried it? I don’t think there have been fundamental changes to the Ruby API to extension worked in SU 2024 won’t work in SU 2025.
[/quote]Thanks for the reply, for some special reason
I’ve tried a few things (including this one you mentioned) and none of them solved the problem, I reinstalled SU, switched the primary/secondary screens in windows settings, and even switched the wiring of the two screens!
When I set the left screen as the main screen, su appears on the right, when I set the right screen as the main screen, su appears on the left, it’s just hilarious and belongs to a very low level official SU bug that waited until version 2025 to be fixed!
Thanks for the reply, for some special reason
for what special reason ?
If there was no way to fix it, I eventually decided to fall back to su2022,ty
I’m sorry. I’m not at liberty to say.
I use 2 widescreen monitors and I never saw that issue with my v24 install. It’s always opened up on the #1 screen since it was installed, this is also where the desktop icon is located.
I also have the left monitor set to be the main monitor.
How is yours set?
okay then.
well tell the secret services it’s time they update their SU extension to version 2025, it’s been a month !
I don’t know how you didn’t have the problem, it could have been some unknown system reason, or a matter of luck, but the su2025 changelog does mention that the bug has been fixed. my setup is the same as yours, but I’m Win10, and when I set screen #1 as my home screen, su and the context menu appear on screen #2, and then when I set screen #2 as my home screen, they appear on #1 again!
Unfortunately some people are not as lucky as you. In some, monitor/graphics card/…/moon constellations, this is a very well known problem.
My two-screen (better to say one and a half) laptop is like this. I struggled with it for several months, even though I’m no beginner at troubleshooting and finding workarounds. There is just no solution for this for many people, like me.
The only way I could use it was to turn off the “half” screen, which I don’t do even for the sake of SU. I used SU2023 until SU2025 came out.
Yes, it’s an official code programming issue, not something that can be fixed by normal methods, and it’s really very funny that such a major issue lasted for a whole year’s worth of releases
Yeah, I saw that too.
No idea but I use Win11 at work, the screen shots I shared, but I use Win 10 at home and I use 2 screens there as well and I still don’t have this issue. Using RTX 2060 at home and RTX 3080 at work. No 3rd party windows/monitor software was used on either. Just straight Windows 10/11 and nvidia drivers on both.