Main sketchup window not showing

Hi all, a new one on me; I fired up 2024 Pro this morning and bizarrely the main window is impossible to see (its only a thumbnail on the taskbar in windows and despite trying the right-click “move” option, it stubbornly stays hidden…
So I completely dis installed Su2024 and cleaned the preference files from C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\SketchUp
and also did a registry clean with WiseCleaner, rebooted and did a clean reinstall…
& frustratingly that didn’t solve the issue… I can no longer work. This is a disaster.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance…

What happens when you do alt tab?

You can get to the sketchup “window” but it remains invisible

Do you work with multiple monitors?

What if you activate the SketchUp window with alt tab and then do some windows key + left key or right key?


Have you tried this? Sketchup freezes on clicking add location - #2 by dezmo
It could be in another location…

Have you added or disconnected monitors lately? Are you working on a connected monitor with your laptop lid closed?

yes, but nothing changed since yesterday

nope, it’s on a tower PC & the setup is the same as yesterday when it worked fine

Wow ! that did the trick, thankyou very much sir :slight_smile:

The only problem is that when I move the window onto my main display (it reappeared on the secondary) the menu lists appear still on the secondary, which is dead odd…

This is a known issue with v.2024. Check that what you call your main display is actually designated as such in Windows.

Hi, yes I did, and it is definitely n°1 - hého

Welcome to the “club”. I’ve already uninstalled SU2024, because for some reason, they don’t think it’s urgent to release the fix.
BTW. If you move the main window of SU to the secondary monitor you might have a better chance…

yup, that works, thanks :slight_smile:

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Ok, so I’ve gotten to the bottom of what was going on.
On my computer somebody had added an extra cable connexion to the main monitor !
Hence it was connected both with a HDMI & a DP connection to the graphics card; windows interpreted this as there being three monitors, which in turn confused SU which was starting-up on the “3rd” monitor which of course didn’t really exist.
Once I’d disconnected the HDMI & rebooted, of course I got back to normal…
Not sure who played the joke on me, but if it happens to you, well’, hopefully you’ll understand quicker than I did !
As ever, thanks to those who pitched in to help :slight_smile:

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