Since update SketchUp shows on 2nd screen


I just updated to SketchUp 2024 and it keeps opening on my 2nd monitor. I tried the following :

  • Reset the workspace
  • Set my 2nd screen as default in windows and bring it back to first
  • Do a clean install of SketchUp
  • Do a “repair” of that install

If I just move the window to my first monitor, the contextual menus will still show up on the second screen, so it’s impossible to work with.

Thank you for your help

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You are not alone. The bug is known. Fix: none.
Browse this topic:

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Alright thanks for the heads up

pareil pour moi. Pour le moment j’ai dû passer mes doubles écran en mode surround. j’ai prévenu mon prestataire skup car impossible d’utiliser la version 2024 en double écran pour moi.