Menu appears on my secondary monitor

As mention on the topic header, when i select the menu ex: File the menu drop down on my second monitor, only when Sketchup is open on the monitor 1, when sketchup is on the monitor 2, the menu drop down on the right place.

What version of SketchUp? What operating system? What graphics card? Please complete your forum profile.

Ok , am searching to know where i can complete my profile…
is it here or some other place ?

Click on the G in the green circle at the top right of the forum. Then the person icon, Preferences, Profile. Complete the profile and scroll down to the bottom and save.

Thank’s Dave , its done , you should see it, if you need more info or a screen capture let me know

yep, it’s a know issue, discussed here. there are a few things you can try, mainly making the screen you wand SU to be on your primary display. but as it is a problem with QT, it probably won’t be solved until next major update. it’s mid octobre, still no 24.1 so I guess 25 ?

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125! Until then, other external reasons than QT can be mentioned for an excuse… :wink:
(…and the 3-year support will end, so there will be nothing to fix. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


just buy a mac I guess. most of our bugs are legacy, until we switch to QT at least. there is something comforting in opening a fresh version of SU and finding the old thing you reported a couple of years prior.

it’s like after a long summer wearing shorts, the first time you have to put a jean.

I’m not a Mac person, but the moment you show me a dual-screen Mac laptop (something like the one in the first post of the topic you quoted and like my current one), I"ll do!
(“macbook oled touch bar” doesn’t count)

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