Using textures/patterns as linework

I have a question about using textures and patterns. When I export from layout to a pdf, why are textures blurry? Ex. using a concrete pattern for a footer detail. Is there anyway for it to be as clear as line work and not blurry like an image?

What version of SketchUp and LayOut are you using? Your profile doesn’t say. What operating system are you using? 2022 is not an operating system.

It may be that you need to set the Output resolution higher. Might be that you need a higher res texture. Maybe it would look better if you edit it and increase the contrast. If you share an example LO file with the texture in question we’ll have more hope of helping you.

Sorry I updated my profile. I use windows 11 and 2024 versions of SU and LO.

I am using the default textures already in sketch up. I don’t have a particular LO in mind. Would you suggest I just up the output resolution? Will it make the pdf file larger if I do so?

Which concrete texture are you referring to exactly? The shipped textures aren’t very high res.

You could try that to see if you get acceptable results. It will make the PDF larger, though.

Might be that you should look for a higher res texture, too. You have to be careful with that because that can increase your SketchUp and LayOut file sizes.

Thanks. How about if you put SketchUp 2024 in the SketchUp version field and leave just the operating system in the Operating System field?

Okay thank you. Where would you suggest getting high res textures?

Look at sources like Arroway and SketchUp Texture Club. They have some hi res textures available.

How are you looking at the textures after exporting them? How large is the image on the page in the export?

Here is an example
3b2b layout.pdf (1.0 MB)

I thought you were using a concrete texture, not the concrete pattern. That pattern is a very low res image. Patterns generally aren’t intended to be so large that they come forward. You could probably dig around and find other patterns or you could make your own with a heavier lines and so on.

Okay thanks and sorry I should have clarified a little better

No worries. Maybe this one will work for you. You can probably find others if you search for concrete hatch pattern or something like that.

Thank you!

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To get the best raster rendered output from LayOut to PDF set your Output Resolution to High and turn off JPEG compression in the export options. Compression makes hatch-type textures look blurry - it is suitable only for photographs.

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Are you a bot @kim.jim24 ?

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