Hi i would like to know if I’m the only one who is mad to see that the pattern apllied in SU look so light when exported in layout. It dosnt respect my atandart so i use the pattern fill in layout instead but it’s so longer than just having a good quality of pattern apllied in SU.
Here’s 2 images of a very nice house (LOL) that show the problem. First one is screen shot from sketchup and the other is a PDF from layout. thank for your time
Thanks for your help but this dosent really solve my problem. is it possible for you to do the same thing as I did in the pdf attached before? Apply pattern in sketchup, export to layout and then apply new pattern on the same model to see what you get as difference. thank you
Yes it is possible. Depending on how many combinations you want, make copies of your model, each in a group. Make a scene for each copy. Apply textures to each scene, making sure each scene is updated and saved as it is created… Send to LO. In the SU model window you can toggle the scenes for viewing.