I have sketchup8 pro and need to upgrade so i can access the 3dwarehouse but it keeps telling me that it can not upgrade and i have to pay full price for it ?
That would be correct, since SU 8 there have been multiple versions released (7 IIRC) and the latest and greatest (SU 2019) is being eagerly awaited (normally would have seen the light of day somewhere in November 2018).
Spent a lot of money on the program which is now almost useless as i can not access the warehouse or anything else except my program. There is an upgrade option for around 200 dollars but it will not let me take advantage of it. Since you left google you have created a platform which i would like to use but there is no way i would pay full price for it as i am already a pro owner? As well as taken classes on the program. Any help would be much appreciated.
You can download models via the web 3D warehouse and load them into your model.
Even if SketchUp had stayed under Google, all this time, you’d still be paying full price after all this time to upgrade.
The oldest versions offered in the Warehouse would be for SU2014 now.
i tried that and it does not work
You seem to have a misunderstanding of the license terms. A purchased license entitles you to use that version forever. For an annual maintenance fee, you also get full support and a free upgrade to the next version. If you have not been paying that fee, your maintenance and upgrade has expired, and all you are entitled to is to continue using SketchUp 8.
No there is an upgrade option which is not avail to me for some reason
More infos…
It’s not available to you because you waited too long to upgrade. Even under Google, if you waited too long to upgrade you would have had to pay the full price.
I do not recall ever getting a notice of expiration and informing me of the upgrade period ending
Now the warehouse is useless as i can not access it with my version
you must have been under a rock the last 7 years then, a lot has happened with SU since version 8.
That information was always available. It doesn’t matter now. If you want to upgrade now, it’s clear you have to pay the full price. It’s still less than you would have paid if you’d paid the upgrade fee every year.
Usually work in Autocad and occasionally have to do a rendering which i do in Sketch up. I have a small library which i have made in 8 but accessing the warehouse would be very helpful
There is an extension (Open Newer Version) in the Extension Warehouse that enables older SketchUp versions to open newer file versions, however even this requires you to be using SketchUp 2014 at the very least.
Again, my version which was a Google program works great and it use to work great in the warehouse until Sketch Up decided to make it unavailable to the older programs.
They didn’t just decide to make the Warehouse unavailable to older versions. While you’ve been under your rock, Google decided that SketchUp no longer suited their needs and the evidence showed they were going to let it die like many other programs they’ve killed off over the years. Trimble purchased SketchUp from Google. Part of the purchase agreement was that after a period of time, the Warehouse would have to be removed from Google’s servers. That required a change in the url for the Warehouse so of course the link your ancient version of SketchUp uses to access the Warehouse is dead.
There are other features that no longer function due to the passage of time, too. I expect if Google had just killed SketchUp, there wouldn’t be a Warehouse at all now and no place to complain about it.
At this point you seem to have two options. create the components yourself in SketchUp 8 or buy a license to upgrade to the current version and get access to the Warehouse plus a lot of other capability not available in SU8.
SketchUp 8 was released at 01.09.2010, no support of recent operating systems of course.
nope, was introduced 24.06.2017 … too late anyhow.