Uninstall Sketchup 2014 during 2015 Install via GPO

Hi there,

I am pushing (via GPO) Sketchup 2015 Pro to my network computers that have 2014 pro already installed.
Is there a way to silently uninstall 2014? Perhaps some sort of command switch? I tried specifying in the GPO to “upgrade” previous (2014) package, but that does not happen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Scraping some PC brain cells: can you extract the msi from the 2014 exe, and do some sort of " Msiexec /uninstall blah"?

OK, back to my Mac…

Thanks for the idea, i’ll try that!

Extracted msi from the exe successfully.
The following worked interactively from a test station:

msiexec /x SketchUp2014.msi /quiet

Will test if this works via a GPO
I’ll report back if this works!
Thanks a ton!

you might also want try to scan the registry path


for the key

DisplayName: SketchUp 2014

and use the key

UninstallString: MsiExec.exe /X{#######################################}

extended by

/quiet /norestart

for doing this.

Excellent, that will work great!