Unexpected File Format / Corrupted File

Hello! At the end of the day yesterday, the SketchUp file I was working on appeared as a broken link in the LayOut file it was connected to. After realizing that the error was on the SketchUp and not on the LayOut side of things, I discovered that somehow the skp/skb files were corrupted. Would it be possible to take a look at my file to see if it is salvageable? Thank you very much in advance!

skp file

I was able to open it. I’ll upload a copy and share the link shortly.

Looks like you’ve got content scattered across the province.

Here’s the file without any cleaning.

I’m in the process of giving it my standard cleaning and will share that file when I’m finished if you want it.

Cleanup involved fixing incorrect tag usage …
Screenshot - 8_31_2023 , 11_17_42 AM

… and purging unused stuff from the file.
Screenshot - 8_31_2023 , 11_20_39 AM

It reduced the file size by 64%.

You would find your models easier to work with in both SketchUp and LayOut if you kept them clean and tidy.

Thank you! You are amazing :slight_smile: Definitely have some scattered objects around this model to clean up :wink:

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