Unexpected file format

Hello, i´m having some problem with a model ,i get a " unexpected file format"
message and i cant open the file, i also don´t find the skp file.
can someone help me please its urgent
thankyouNUEVO PROYECTO LINEAL.skp (1.5 MB)

I get the same error in SketchUp 14 and 15. Something is wrong with the file. There isn’t much we can do so hopefully someone at SketchUp will be able to help.

if the files are intended import SU, usually not in the activation program
hope it is useful

Nobody from sketchup will help?

Checking… same opening on Mac. It was created on PC with SketchUp 14.1.1282.

Hi, I also responded to your PM but myself and @tt_su spent a couple hours yesterday trying to recover your model to no avail. There is a corrupt jpg in the model that seemed to have corrupted some vital data. Though we would love to know what caused this, it just wasn’t possible to do in a reasonable amount of time. Are you running any plugins that could manipulate textures?