Unexpected File Format Need Help

Hello there, its my first time posting so here goes. When i was working some windows pops about sketchup unable to auto save. I ignored it and saved it manually. Here i am the next day, trying to open the skp but it says unexpected file format. i tried renaming the .skb and it fails to open aswell. I did my research and found that @colin could maybe help to recover the files. Im getting frustated because i spent a week working on that file. Here’s my file :

SKP.skp - Google Drive, SKP.skb - Google Drive

note: I save and work locally, so idk what causes this. My ssd has another 16gb left of free space so i dont think thats the issue.

Thankyou for your time, and appreciate all the help!

You may have read in other similar topics that most times I recover a file I get the materials and the components, but there is nothing in the scene itself. That’s the case with your file, you will need to get components from the Components panel and move them back into place.


Thankyou Colin for the help! unfortunately most of my models are not in component after checking. Thankyou for the help tho, appreciate it!

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