Why did you upload an Autosave of the model not the original SKP file?
It’s taking ages to open and display (because, I guess, the millions of edges).
I can see the loaded file, but not work on it yet - I seem to have downloaded it three or four times, each auto-opening in in SU 2018.
Now I have it open, I see that the complex faces of the building have many many multiple edges and faces. Each seems to be an individual group.
Could these not be simplified to a texture? Transparent, if you need it to show openings?
Or at least replace any identical groups with a component? I find there is rarely a use for a group where in most cases a component will do better.
Both Sketchup and AutoCad are liable to choke on so many millions of edges.
There seem to be three ‘spare’ copies of the basic building way off to the left in the view you get with Zoom Extents. Are they part of the model, or just spare copies adding to the edge and face count? And a loose object Group 165.
Why are the building axes not oriented with the buildings’ edges?
And why so many groups (over 50,000) compared with components (around 7000 instances, but only a few handfuls of different component definitions in the Component Browser?
Each section of a building face appears to be a group, and appears identical to many other groups - why aren’t they instances of a component, if you must have the elements solid, as opposed to a texture on a bigger face for the whole side of a building?
The model is slow and unresponsive to work with, and is slowing down my whole computer, not just Sketchup.
It could be drastically simplified, then the DWG export might work in a more reasonable time.