Turn off new toggles

Please lets have an option to turn this function off. Its nice that the Sketchup team are adding features and this is welcome but really, having it a fixed workflow is not a help. It takes time to ajust to these alterations - who tested this? and the feed back was - its Fantastic ? go get it out there everyone will love it?
Anyway I like it! but only in certain situations. Not that i have found any so far! ha ha… its more of a plugin something to add when needed. so for me can we have a toggle for the toggle!
Please carry on refining SU Sketchup team


+1 for options to control toggle behaviour please


I’m fine with the new toggle, but I noticed random bugs with the sample tool while using the paint bucket (holding alt). Once a material is loaded, it should go back to the bucket tool, but since last update, it sometimes sticks to the sample tool. Not sure when and why it happens, I did not figure out yet. anyone gets this too ?


I sensed something odd with the sample tool too - it keeps sticking and i paint the wrong material. I can’t force it to happen though.


Exactly !

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@paul.millet Other than the copy/move frustrations this is my biggest annoyance.

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Sorry I didn’t see the issue already had been reported

This change to the interface and general functionality is nothing short of a disaster from a workflow standpoint.

I am constantly making multiple copies, deleting ■■■■ I never intended to have and am at the same time not making the copies of things I wanted due it toggling when not intended.

Honestly the worst thought out feature I have seen executed in SU in the 17 years I have been using it.


SketchUp HQ. The toggle changes have broken long standing workflows. Please make them optional, and please do it in the “21” cycle of updates so I’m not stuck with the new undesired locking modifier toggles forever in my classic license version. Thank you.


I agree complete pain


Does anybody out there use this somewhat undocumented method for navigating in SketchUp:

I do all the time and the new modifiers are sometimes challenging when using this method of navigation.

I still need to nail down the exact modifiers that are giving me problems but so far it’s this move tool and the erase tool that doesn’t play too well with navigating this way.


You’re still the MAN, Eric!


Some of what I will say will help you, and some will disturb you…

I may be the only person on earth that is almost 100% of my time using SketchUp with trackpad. And, I’m in SketchUp QA.

One thing you may not have noticed is that the Control-Command-drag only needs the key presses to be brief. Once you are orbiting you can let go, and you can press Shift if you want to go in and out of Pan. No need to hold Control and Command.

You can, with the Move tool for example, tap Option to go into Copy mode, start moving your copy around, and briefly hold Control-Command, to go into orbiting. While you are orbiting you don’t see the copy, but when you stop orbiting the copy comes back

Same is true with the line tool. And maybe all tools.

Find a combination that you’re doing that actually stops you from working in the existing way, and I can report that.

The disturbing part is that I don’t assume that the shortcut behavior will remain supported, so I don’t currently log bugs based on it not fitting in with how a trackpad user works. So far that hasn’t been too bad a problem.

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I should say that I do like the new toggles. If I could make them better in some way I’d like to see more visual indication as to what “mode “ you’re in for each tool. I’ve long thought that the small bar on the bottom of SketchUp gets overlooked by a lot of people… but I digress…

The reason I wanted to point this particular out is that I believe the trackpad gestures aren’t documented anywhere so I wasn’t sure if they got overlooked or not.

I did not know that you could release command and control so I’ll give that a try

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This is great Eric! I just tried it and it works, so it will also help me for when I don’t grab my mouse.

What I noticed is that once you get the orbit started, you can let go of the modifier keys while you move around. And you can even tap shift. If you don’t move for a split second it reverts back to line but it will keep orbiting without holding keys :slight_smile:

Edit. I wrote my post before reading Colin’s where he described the same thing. Haha. I was that excited.

@colin are you saying this functionality might not remain part of how sketchup works?

You might already know this, but if you go into accessibility settings in macOS you can actually turn on more trackpad gestures. I use three finger drag and can’t imagine life without it.

I mean that if you press a modifier key that makes sense for the tool you are in at the time, and it’s also one that is used for orbiting, the fact that you may come out of orbiting set to a particular mode for that tool, may be understandable. As a keyboard short cut orbiter, you may need to sometimes tap the modifier key again to get back into the right state.

I also have three finger drag turned on. I can orbit and pan without having to press down at all (other than on the modifier keys). That makes for a very gentle way of orbiting and panning. Even making faces is less effort than if I had to press down on a mouse button.

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Something else to notice, having used keyboard shortcuts and three fingers to get into orbiting, you can release two fingers as well as the keys. You end up stroking the trackpad with one finger to continue orbit.

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I can appreciate that for trackpad users these toggles could be useful but as a desktop user I ALWAYS knew what mode I was in as I was physically holding down a key to enable it. Now I have to stop/look at the screen/check the cursor for a ‘+’/toggle it/execute my action. …… repeat x1000 …. Aghhh.

As I’ve said (as have others) a setting/preference to turn this ‘feature’ off is needed, personally it’s almost essential to my mental health at the moment :wink:


After playing with this more and “lifting off” the two modifier keys to get the trackpad orbit going that seems to work just fine. I’ll have to retrain myself a bit but it shouldn’t be a big deal.