Turn off new toggles

I exclusively use sketchup with the trackpad on my Mac . Haven’t used the mouse thing last 10 years. it works fine, and means I can work anywhere, on a cafe table, or sitting in my car. So there’s two of us :slight_smile:

Getting rid of the mouse was the best tech choice I ever did.

Does this hint that the person/s responsible for the new tuggle workflow is/are a MAC user/s ?

Just asking for a friend :slight_smile:

Is the new tuggle problematic for both Windows and MAC users?

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If you read the posts and look at the profiles, it immediately turns out that: Yes. :wink:

Please allow a preference to turn this feature on or off as it’s driving me mad.

“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it”


I second this! My workflow is so sloppy at the moment.


Please give us a chance to turn it off !!!


I thought the toggle was a bug at first. Yes, please let us turn it off. I understand the need for accessibility but a choice would be nice here.


Give us a sign that this will go away! :upside_down_face: This has ruined sketchup for me.
@colin @Mark


@colin I don’t know who else to ‘@‘ here from SketchUp so could you or someone else give us a yes/no as to wether the new toggles are going to become optional/a preference. As I’ve said before they are a serious hinderance to my and (and others) performance.
For the 1st time since 2004 their existence has had me exploring alternatives to SU just in case they are now a permanent fixture.


It has been stated many times in the forum that if a SketchUp employee leaks what changes are coming and when the implementation will happen, they will be TERMINATED.

@RLGL has summed it up pretty well. Just know that our Product Managers do read these posts and hear what you guys are saying. Beyond that we cannot tell you what is coming when, lest we suffer the wrath of the “Higher-Ups”!!

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I would really appreciate being able to turn these off. Despite trying to use them for a few weeks now it persistently slows me down as I have to look at my cursor to know what I am doing. Previously I just would know its copying if I had my hand on the CTRL button. Its just like screen buttons in cars… you have to look at them to find them wheras with a button you can find it from muscle memory and can keep your eyes focused on your work not looking to see if it is modified or not.


in particular now I have to look and see if the modifier is on or off vs just knowing its on or off by holding the key down… something long time users do sub-consciously.


Its also seems most of the time I am not multiple copying… and if I am I use the Xqty. So now when I do one copy I have to hit ctrl twice once to modify and once to unmodify vs click copy go.

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I don’t mind the one touch toggle for on and off. Not at all. But to have it stick for each successive use is not necessary to me. Let me toggle it on each time, or let me hold it. I should be able to do both without issue.

I just want to say that I totally agree with this being a horrible new addition. It is not intuitive at all to try to remember all the time whether or not it is toggled on or off. To me it seem so totally logical that this would be a bad design decision that I simply cannot fathom why it was implemented. The especially annoyin one is the paint bucket where you are painting surfaces and then use shift+middle mouse button to pan camera and then the paint bucket goes into paint all mode… enough said.


D@mn! is that what’s doing that, I’m sick or rendering something only to find I’ve accidentally painted an entire rooms furniture chrome (or similar) at some point.
I’ve obviously accidentally done it once or twice before the advent of toggles but recently I’ve been applying materials to random groups on a daily basis … aghhhhhhhhhhh!


I agree. I’m struggling to see this feature as anything other than a solution to problem no one had. What is most alarming was the failure to appreciate the impact this has on the work flow of users.


Well put filostine. Think that’s exactly what it is.


I’ve tried giving the sticky toggles the benefit of the doubt, but they are proving to make the working experience frustrating for beginner through advanced users. My students have all commented on the hastle this is causing. I’ll add in my vote to have a way to remove/turn off sticky toggles in case SketchUp uses analytics to see how many people are requesting it.