Trying to create shapes with smooth "hills and valleys" in Sketchup 2015

Again, I apologize if I am posting this question in the wrong place. I’m a noob here.

I am working on a model of a Manta Ray but I am having a hard time figuring out how to create the smooth, rounded “hills and valleys”, if you will, that make up the shape. I cant seem to find tutorials that cover this exact topic. Is there any help, suggestions, you can offer me?

You can try to install the extension “Soap Skin and Bubble”
[[Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse]]

Thanks for the reply. I assume you’ve used it. What sort of thing will it do?

It will make “smooth” surfaces (a tessalated surface of many polygons) from a 3D outline:

SoapSkinExample.skp (194.3 KB)
You can changes the “tension” and some other features with this extension too - lots of physics and math here!

Thank you for your help.

Before jumping into extensions, it is worthwhile learning to use SketchUp’s native tools. How about an image of where you are stuck at the moment?


Jim is right, start with learning SketchUp’s native tools. Avoid using plugins for a while, at least till you know the basics of the program.

[quote=“lenlenlen1, post:1, topic:5553, full:true”]
Again, I apologize if I am posting this question in the wrong place. I’m a noob here.
I cant seem to find tutorials that cover this exact topic. Is there any help, suggestions, you can offer me?[/quote]
One other thing, looking at the quote and the topic you started…, others will be able to find your “Question #2” (whatever that might be) but is that relevant as a title? Please ask specific questions with a title that covers your question. You’ll also get better answers that way.

And you can (and should!) edit the title of your own questions. When you are logged in you can see an edit icon next to the title. Then the answer to your question will not only be helpful to you but to all future readers.

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Thank you. I’ve edited the title of the question.

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Apologies again. Noob on this forum. How do I post/upload an image to here?

Basically I’m just wondering if there are techniques that I am not aware of that make smooth curved hills and valley type shapes, or any pointers in that regard…

@lenlenlen1 , just follow my instructions below.

This is one of the shapes that I’ve been talking about. Any advice to get much smoother curves would be great. Thanks!

Nice model! What is it, a space ship?
There are some tiny back faces, Greyish blue. Right click on them and select “Reverce Faces” in the context menu.
You could apply the ‘Eraser’ tool while holding down [Ctrl] on edges, to smooth some extra individual edges.

When (menu View > ) ‘Hidden Geometry’ is on and all geometry is visible, you can see edge’s properties one by one to also adjust them there, (same thing).

Thanks. Yeah, it’s a spaceship with a vaguely manta shape. I’ll reverse those edges and try the eraser with Ctrl. But I want it to kind’ve bulge out in the middle area…