Trying to 3D print Sketchup STL

I created a Medallion in Sketchup that I want to print on my 3D printer that has AMS for multiple filament printing. I plan on printing this face down with all the colors on the first 3 layers of the print. Two things that are strange: the diameter of the medallion in Sketchup is 4inches but when I import the STL into my slicer the model is super tiny on my build plate. Secondly, when I import the STL into the slicer, I do not see any of the faces that make up the model so I am not able to color them. I am using bambu handy as my slicer. What am I doing wrong? Model attached.

Big Boy Medallion.skp (658.0 KB)

I expect your slicer is looking for the model in millimeters. If you export the .stl file when units are set to inches and it imports into the slicer as millimeters, it’ll be tiny. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 mm by 4mm by 0.5 mm thick. Change the model units in SketchUp to millimeters and then export the thing.

Here’s your medallion in my Creality Slicer after doing the above. I added the relief since the slicer won’t show the different colors.

FWIW, if you wanted smoother curves you could model the thing with units set to meters. That will let you use more sides for curves. Here’s an example of thing I modeled and printed.

In SketchUp

Footplate Skid for 3D Print

And the printed object

3D Printed Wheelchair Footplate Skids

What exactly is the relief and how did you add it?

I just used Push/Pull on some of the faces to make them higher or lower than the neighboring faces. Without that there’d be no detail on the surface if I were to print it on my printer.

I have printed a coaster before that I downloaded and the slicer was able to pick up on the different regions to apply the different colors to even though the surface was flat. I figured I would be able to do the same with this model and print all 3 colors in the same level with my AMS.

As I wrote, I only added the relief so that the details would show on MY SLICER. As I told you yesterday, my slicer and my printer don’t handle multiple colors like the Bambu does.

I will try changing the units and see if that fixes it. Appreciate your help!