Trouble seeing all models

Hi there,

I’ve an issue with seeing my models when changing views. In multiple views I see my whole model. In others I don’t, despite having all tags visible and unhiding all everything. That why I think it has something to to with either my tags or style, but of course I’m not sure.

If I select invert selection (see below), the models that are not visible pop-up, but I can’t manage to get them back ‘permanently’.

Anybody has an idea what I’m doing wrong and how to fix this? Thank you!

Do you mean changing scenes?

Do you mean the top is missing? Looks like you have a section cut active in the view you show. Turn off the section cut and everything above it would appear.

Share the .skp file if you need more help with that.

Thank you for reaching out!

[quote=“DaveR, post:2, topic:283855”]
Do you mean changing scenes?
[/quote] - Correct!

I know the section cuts is on, but that’s not the problem. The image above shows the whole file and all models, because I select invert selection. Then everything in the models gets visible. If I exit invert selection, the file looks like this. As you can see, the whole terrace is missing. Despite unhiding and having all tags visible, I can’t manage to see the terrace. If I change to another scene, I again see all models and all tags works correctly.

The file unfortunately is to big to share…

It seems likely that you saved or updated that scene with certain tags turned off and the scene set to remember tag settings. If that is done, the tags will return to the way they were when the scene was last updated when you return to that scene.

Thanks your for getting back to me. I already checked. For example; below I’m in a scene where I’m having this problem. On the right side you see the tags with the red line around it. They are open but don’t show up.

In another scene, the same tags are open and everything works fine. So I don’t think it’s something with the tags…

What happens if you click view->hidden geometry and view->hidden objects? Perhaps things were hidden when the scene was last updated…

I did as you said, but unfortunately, still no result.

It seems like the whole group (it’s one big group) that I made for the terrace, has disappeared in specific scenes. I’ve tried to unhide all, but no result.

Unhide all only works in the current edit context, so if that group is nested it won’t get unhidden. You can share a large model by uploading it to a site such as Dropbox, wetransfer, etc. make it public and provide the link here.

Is 'View Hidden Objects ’ checked and saved for these scenes?

Good one.Here you go!

in the scene that is problematic to you (1ste-gebruiksmelding), you have a tag turned off, but it is a sub-part tag. Expand your BG tag folder and activate the “Nieuw” tag

Edit : weird, it worked once but I can’t reproduce

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Which scene is causing the problem? From your image I would expect it to be 1ste-gebruiksmelding, but in the shared file that is a top view.

That didn’t work for me, even once.

There’s also the terrein tag to toggle visible.
I don’t know how you manage to deal with your model with so many tags and tag folders

within the same group that is assigned to a tag, you have multiple objects assigned to different tags and tag folders. You should be more careful about your tags hierarchy and probably simplify it

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Ah, by following @paul.millet’s video I can reproduce it.

This is an example of what can happen when you apply tags to nested content. The outer objects in the nest may be visible, due to their tags, but the inner objects are not, due to their tags. If you must tag nested contents, you must make sure that the tag hierarchy corresponds with, or at least does not conflict with, the nesting hierarchy and tag visibility captured in scenes. This becomes difficult and confusing when a model has many tags, as yours does. Also, there is a glitch to be wary of: when you explode a group or component, SketchUp assigns its tag to the loose contents created by the explode.

I think the specific objects causing your issue are groups and components, but edges or faces with tags applied is a specific case of tagging nested things that can also cause this kind of confusion.

Not relevant to your specific issue, but there are other some things you could do to the model to improve it.

The model needs to be purged of unused components and materials, which will reduce its size. There are some images that could also be resized to shrink the file size somewhat.

You have content scattered over a large area for things that in the real world would be in the same location. It is not too extreme in this model, but that practice can cause strange graphics issues in SketchUp. You should draw them in the same location to assure they match up, and use tags to control which are visible in each scene.

Hi Paul, slbaumgartner

Thank you both for your time and advice!!

@Paul, I’m reorganizing and simplifying the tags and folders as we speak. Went from a real quick and easy sketch to a bigger project, so it is really unorganized.
I do agree that I use a lot of tags and folders. How would you suggest to organize the groups, tags and folders. Just curious to learn!

Thank you for your feedback!

Can you explain how to purge of delete unused components and materials? Is this done one-by-one or is there a filter to see unused stuff?

It’s a nit, but in your forum profile you list your OS as “2024”, which is nonsense. Since you give the graphics as “MAC M1 MAX 64GB”, you must be running some version of macOS. The latest is Sonoma 14.6.

first I’d make three main tag folders : New, existant & demolished, that way in a few clicks you’d be able to set up your presentations, instead of having them repeated under each category.