My Model has just Disappeared

Help! I was using the paint tool and editing cabinets and my whole model disappeared . I still have all my tagged items however my model is just gone . I tried to revert and I tried to unhide but its gone .

attach your file or upload it on a cloud service so we can check that out

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As already requested, if you share your model skp file, we can look at it to see what it contains and may be able to fix it. In the mean time, I will discuss some common issues that could cause a model to disappear.

I’m not clear what you mean by this. Do you mean the tags themselves are still present? Is visibility turned on for all of them? Turning off a tag’s visibility will make everything that uses it invisible.

Tags are helper data that model objects reference to control the objects’ visibility. Tags do not own, collect or isolate those objects. Although it is common language, in SketchUp objects are not “on” a tag - more like vice versa. Many objects can share the same tag so that their visibility is controlled all at once. Because objects refer to tags but not vice-versa, deleting the objects has no effect on the tags themselves. Tags will remain in the model until you purge them even if nothing is using them.

One common source of confusion is that if you put tags on objects nested inside other objects, turning off those nested tags will cause the container object (group or component) to be invisible even if the tag applied to it is visible.

Did you try turning on View->Hidden Geometry and View->Hidden Objects? Much as with nested objects with non-visible tags, hiding the contents of a group or component will make it invisible regardless of its own visibility. It is a long-standing quirk of SketchUp that Edit->Unhide->All works only in the current edit context (model or a group or component that is open for edit). Hidden objects nested inside others will not be unhidden until you open the containing group or component for edit and do unhide all there.

Another thing to try is to look at the Edit->undo item in the menu. It should show the last undoable edit action you performed (non-edit things such as zoom, pan, and rotate are not undoable). If the undo item indicates a deletion, you can try clicking it to see whether it restores your model. Note: when you save a model, the undo stack is forgotten, so we won’t be able to look at it if you share a model here.

Next, we need to establish whether there is any content left in the model or you somehow actually deleted everything. Open the model info window to the statistics panel. Make sure to click the “show nested components” box. What does it show for numbers of edges and faces? For numbers of groups and components? If you open the outliner panel, does it show any components or groups?

If the edge and face counts are non-zero and unhide all did nothing, it is possible you did something that caused the view camera to go wonky. Parallel projection is vulnerable to this due to how it handles zoom, perspective less so. Make sure you are in perspective then try shift-Z (or Camera->zoom extents) and see if that restores the view. If not, the camera may be so messed up that special measures will be needed to fix it. If you share the skp file here, we can usually repair the camera for you.

If the edge and face counts are zero, you have done something that actually deleted the model contents. If the number of components shown in the statistics is not zero, the component definitions will still be in the model’s components window. It may be a bit tedious, but you can reconstruct the contents by dragging new instances out of the components panel and placing them in the model at the appropriate locations. Unfortunately, deleted groups, edges, and faces can’t be restored this way if undo didn’t get them back.

Good luck, and again, please share the model so we can take a look.

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