Lost Model, Entities still exist

Hi All,

Newbie here. My son and I have been mocking up a design for our Garage Renovation.

All of the sudden are model seems to have disappeared. When I select all I can see that the entities still existing, however they are not visible.

I am sure our design is riddled with poor practice, as we are just learning.

If someone could please provide some guidance as to how we can find our model, it would be much appreciated!

I am using Sketchup Pro 2022, and have tried the following:

  • Zoom Extents
  • Edit Unhide All
  • Checked all Tags are visible

Very confused.


It is likely that the view camera has moved far from the model contents. If you share the skp file here, we may be able to fix it. If it is 16MB or smaller, you can drag the file into the reply window. If larger, copy it to a file sharing site and provide a link here.

Appreciate your response,



I haven’t seen this problem in a while. Your model crashed SketchUp three times before I was able to fix it. There were a couple of bits of geometry at a huge distance from the rest of the model which caused the issue. Zoom Extents wouldn’t fix it because the camera was alsready zoomed out to show the extents of the model. Not I have this:

I notice you haven’t been making groups or components of the model you’ve created. You need to be doing that as you go along. I also see incorrect tag usage. Untagged should be left active (pencil icon to the right of Untagged) at all times. Only groups and components should be given tags.
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 7_25_51 AM
I untagged all edges and faces within the model.
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 7_27_02 AM
Lots of unused stuff to purge from the file. Mostly stuff you’ve downloaded from the 3D Warehouse but then deleted. Deleting objects from the model space doesn’t remove them from the file. Here’s the result of purging unused components and materials from the model. This reduced file size by about 70%.
Screenshot - 9_4_2024 , 7_27_23 AM

Here’s the file:

Garage Extension RECOVERED.zip (14.7 MB)

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edge length

:scream:one billion kilometers long !


Strangely, Entity Info still shows more than 351,440 text entities although I have yet to find them and delete them.

I found the problem component. It was the gym object with the weights. I’ve deleted it and further purged the model. This got rid of those text entities, too.

Garage Extension RECOVERED.skp (14.0 MB)

I would advise you to open a separate SketchUp session for collecting stuff from the 3D Warehouse. Check it over carefully and make sure it’s what you want BEFORE you add it to your project file.

FWIW, I can remove the errant text entities without deleting the gym equipment, but the model still contains a lot of excessively detailed objects most likely from the 3D Warehouse. For example, the bicycle uses over 340000 edges! Surely it is not a main focus of the model?

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Thank you so much for your help, greatly appreciate the advice and taking time out of your day to assist.

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I’m going to need a bigger block of land…

oh, so just past Jupiter.

practically next door.