Many thanks to all,
I have just started to use the 30-days plugin Trimble Scan Essentials and I have a problem when I open a .skp file with a .rwp (Trimble Relaworks project file) linked to that file. It seems that the plugin does not recognize Sketchup as Sketchup Studio (which I have) but as Skecthup.
Therefore, I try to summarize the situation:
- Sketchup Pro 2021 is installed in three PCs
- In two PCs is installed the trial plugin Trimble Scan Essentials, but it works perfect just in only one
PC, in the other one does not. - When I open the Sketchup file (.skp), the file opens normally but when Sketchup asks me to open
the associated scan 3D point clouds file, the screen below appears empty. - Also, it tells me that the Trimble Scan Essentials works only in the Sketchup Studio version, but I
am using a Sketchup Pro version (which it’s supposed to be Sketchup Studio).
Many thanks to everybody