Trial version -Trimble Scan Essentials

Many thanks to all,
I have just started to use the 30-days plugin Trimble Scan Essentials and I have a problem when I open a .skp file with a .rwp (Trimble Relaworks project file) linked to that file. It seems that the plugin does not recognize Sketchup as Sketchup Studio (which I have) but as Skecthup.

Therefore, I try to summarize the situation:

  • Sketchup Pro 2021 is installed in three PCs
  • In two PCs is installed the trial plugin Trimble Scan Essentials, but it works perfect just in only one
    PC, in the other one does not.
  • When I open the Sketchup file (.skp), the file opens normally but when Sketchup asks me to open
    the associated scan 3D point clouds file, the screen below appears empty.
  • Also, it tells me that the Trimble Scan Essentials works only in the Sketchup Studio version, but I
    am using a Sketchup Pro version (which it’s supposed to be Sketchup Studio).

Many thanks to everybody

If you have already imported the point cloud, when you re-open the .skp file it will ask you if you’d like to load the linked point cloud. That looks like this:

If you are trying to open the .skp from a number of computers, it seems you have the .skp saved somewhere in the cloud. That may be breaking the file path. Try saving everything locally.

Nope, sketchup studio and sketchup pro are different versions, the sketchup studio includes Vray, scan essentials, Revit importer and it costs more than the pro version.