You could have kept posting in the same thread even though you are running SU17 Free.
Did you review the link I added:
The required steps dealing with removing and installing VC++ 2015 for SU17 were outlined in the first post in that above linked thread. Your forum profile indicated you are using SU8. Did you upgrade to 2017? Is SU8 still loaded on your computer and is it working OK?
Do not remove the other versions of VC++. They are required by other programs on your system. When you load some program that requires VC++2012 (for example) that program will expect to find VC++ 2012, it will not know to look for and try using a newer version of VC++ that was not around at the time that program was developed. If you want to try reinstalling other versions of VC++ you have, go to the Windows update site for fresh copies. But do check with what all is available for your machine to download from Windows update and keep track of what you are removing and reinstalling. You can reinstall all those versions of VC++ manually.
I see you have a AMD graphics card. Did you update its driver?