Hi, all!
I’ve recently updated computer (AMD Ryzen 5 7600 + 32GB RAM + NVIDA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti + 4K 32 inch display) to speed up my workflow and rendering with V-ray. (WIN 10)
Everything else (autocad, vray) works fine, BUT for some reason the large models with lot of polygons, models, tags, etc. with this configuration is not able to open SketchUp models when using “new engine” and ambient occlusion switched on - I got "hourglass” which don’t go away. And in the end when i try to “end proces” via task manager the whole computer just freeze with no response and only hard reset can help…
When I open blank SketchUp, with same settings, everything is working as it should.
All drivers, SketchUp is up to date. Tried different GPU settings in SketchUp as well as in Nvidia Control Panel.
On other machines we have everthing works fine… including MacMini M2 Pro, or older PC with AMD chipsets and RX 580 GPU. I don’t understand it
If somebody have a clue what to do, I would be glad to know. Until than I’m stuck with no AO for exports
edit 01: sometimes when I want to resize window with sketchup and with AO turned on the same freezing happens…
edit 02: as it comes - the only workaround is to use integrated graphic on CPU, which makes everything kinda slow and sluggish