Tooltips missing? Is it called the tooltips box?

Hi, anyone know how can I turn measure tooltips on?

you are clicking, aren’t you? that is why there are two little green endpoints. Just hover over the endpoints, you can turn on Units in Model Info->Units


no clicking at all, I have try use back old version as 2016 and 2017, and its work fine but 2019 just disappear this tooltips box…not sure why

The tooltip that shows the coordiates for the vertices with Tape Measure tool was added in version 2019, so I am not sure what you mean, exactly.

So this picture is not Version 2019, I presume?

Here is what you need to do:

First, Install SketchUp by rightclicking on the downloaded installer file and choose ‘Run as Administrator’
When prompted, it will give you an option of ‘Repair’ Choose that option to ensure yourself that SkethUp has the right read/write permissions.

Any luck?

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I replied to the matching support ticket already. Mike, note this is Mac, but the issue could come up on Windows.

Here is what I wrote in the ticket reply:

If you use the Go menu in Finder, to go to this folder:

~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2019/SketchUp/

one of the files in there is named SharedPreferences.json. You can open that in any text editor, and look at around the 40th line in the text. Here are a few lines from that part:

“MaxUndo”: 100,
“SceneBrowserImage”: 5,
“SceneBrowserView”: 0,
“ShowInferenceTips”: true,
“StylesBrowserImage”: 2,
“StylesBrowserView”: 0,

If the ShowInferenceTips line is missing, then add this after the SceneBrowserView line:

“ShowInferenceTips”: true,

If the line is there but currently says false, change it to say true.

Make sure to have quit SketchUp before editing that file, then save the file, and try opening SketchUp again.


My bad!

On Windows, the ‘Preferences’ start at line 90+

Do you like my stamp?

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Thank you colin and Mike
it is get back working now after modify the .json file, thanks for helping.

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Sorry for resurrecting an relatively old thread, but this issue applies to me as well. However, I’m using Sketchup 2017 and in the folder /Users/MacMini/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2017/SketchUp/ there is no file called SharedPreferences.json.

Am I looking in the wrong place?


Assuming MacMini is your user account, that’s the right place but the wrong version of SketchUp. I don’t see that file there either for 2017. The oldest that I see it is on 2018 here.

Have a look at ~/Library/Preferences/com.sketchup.SketchUp.2017.plist instead.

SketchUp transitioned from older preferences methods to using the .json files in the 2018 version. You won’t find those files in 2017. For 2017 and earlier, the keyboard shortcuts were kept in a shortcuts.plist file in the 2017 application support folder. But other preference settings were managed by the macOS preferences system (somewhat like how they are put in the registry on Windows).

@McGordon has pointed you at the place to look. Be advised though that a) SketchUp must not be running if you make any manual changes to that file else they will be ignored and then overwritten when SketchUp quits, and b) you must reset the macOS preferences cache to make it read your modified file, e.g. by logging out and then back in or if you are Terminal savvy by running the command “killall cfprefsd”.

The line to change is 110 for me. It should be this:

ShowInferenceTips = :true;

It looks like line 352 for me, says (using TextWrangler):

< key > ShowInferenceTips < /key >

the word “Inference” does not appear anywhere else in the file. Should I change this line to read like this?
< key > ShowInferenceTips = :true; < /key >

(I added the spaces so you could see all the carats and stuff, not sure how else to get that to show up (sheepish grin)

So thankful for you guys :slight_smile:

No. That’s a mix with the syntax for the newer .json file. For the old .plist, change it to look like this:


In case it wasn’t obvious, the red coloring isn’t necessary, it’s a side-effect of the forum’s formatting system.

plist is XML, and a plist editor may show it as keys, but I looked with TextMate, and there it shows as regular XML. What I showed was copied from the file.

Interesting. I looked using the Finder’s preview and saw the XML I provided. But if I look with a plain text editor, I see a binary plist not plain XML. I wonder if TextMate has a smart plist mode? Certainly PrefEdit does automatic formatting for its display.

If you open it in BBEdit, you’ll see this:

If you open it in Xcode, you’ll see this:
It has pop-up menus to let you change the options.

So, I think I may have got it wrong. I’m more used to reading json these days, but I’ve used XML a lot in the past. TextMate does seem to convert it from key pairs to Objects, and not to XML after all.

That worked (duh, I should have noticed the next line was “false”).
Thanks very much for the help. Any idea how that would have gotten turn off?
I had just changed my default template from “Woodworking: Inches” to “Woodworking:millimeters”.
Then when I started a new drawing, the inference tips were turned off.
Many Thanks,

I don’t know the reason why this gets turned off. Various people reported it previously and SketchUp support came up with the fix.

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Wrap the text you want to show inside triple backticks like this:


To give you this:


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