TOOLS: Where to Find Them, How to Use Them

Hi, I am still learning, but I wanted to use the “From Scratch” tool to create a concave / bowl / half sphere. I have a sandbox drop down menu, but “from scratch” is not one of the options. Where do I find this tool so I can use it?

Look in the Draw menu for Sandbox Tools>From Scratch.

Or use View>Toolbars to show the Sandbox Tools toolbar.

I guess I wouldn’t think to use the SandBox tols to draw a half-sphere but…

So, I have a block, and I want to “carve” a sink in the middle… what would you suggest?

I’d draw a cross section profile of the sink bowl and use Follow Me around a circle.

If the sink bowl is supposed to be part of the counter top, maybe like this:

Cross section of the counter with the sink
Follow Me around a circular path.
Draw the outline of the countertop and extrude it through the countertop.
Intersect the top surface of the counter top with the outline shape.
Use Push/Pull to remove the part outside the outline.

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To help achieve your goals, some time spent at the SketchUp Campus and at the SketchUp - YouTube channel will be very worthwhile. Both sites are from the SketchUp team. On the YouTube channel, pay attention to the Square One Series. It covers the basics for each tool.

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