try this out
a tutorial on how to build a bowl any doubts comment on youtube
Without meaning to be Rude.
Please please please learn how to actually use the tools before making tutorials!
You circle is off axis and you’re using the follow me tool incorrectly.
Technically it’s just inefficiently or poorly rather than incorrectly. And there are a few other things that could be done better: scale, non-uniform thickness to the sides (using off-set), no thickness to the base, inverted base surface.
So basically you are saying what… it is a tutorial, but it’s a Trump and as such cannot be endorsed by anyone with any experience.
Worked for Brexit - I’m sure it will get millions of likes.
Hmmm yes…the world now revolves around likes rather than ability…I know where I fit.
(1) It is “SketchUp”, not “Sketch UP”. (It is a registered product name, get it correct.)
(2) Google no longer owns SketchUp. (In 2012, Google sold SketchUp to Trimble Navigation, Ltd.)
Hi Box
this is shobhith
i am the one who posted the video about h bowl
you told me that anyone with experience wont accept it
i know that when i published it itself
i done it just for beginners and you can see it in the description of my video in youtube
. In my views beginners wont try to learn complex tough approach towards designing but they would rather use easy steps to design any thing so for beginners using more tools more tools and making it more perfect would make them bored and their interest in learning sketchup would be lost so i just created a simple video it might be (not might be really)imperfect fo advanced users but for beginners its just enough.
Thanks for you advice Mr.Box
Thank you
It’s great that you are so enthusiastic about the program that you create a video to try and help others with the same enthusiasm. Everyone will praise you for that and the sentiment is brilliant, however there are a few basic tips and tricks you have omitted that every beginner would benefit from:
The basic premise of the video is that you can create a profile shape and get it to follow a circle to create a bowl…
Trimble SketchUp draws things in real-world dimensions: while you can just draw what looks in proportion and then scale it at the end of your process, if you take size into consideration before you put mouse to screen it can save a lot of problems further down the line.
Entering in specific dimensions for the ‘canvas’ you create the profile on is a simple matter of typing in x,y[return] when drawing the rectangle - after the first click you don’t need to click on any boxes or move the mouse.
SU can export and import other models and bits of models (components). When it does this, the insertion point is the axis so when you draw things, it is handy to have the axis at a relevant point in your model. (Again; it can be moved later, but it will save time to think about this before starting.)
SU tries really hard to anticipate the 2D plane you want to draw things on (and is really good at it most of the time). It’s guess is based on where the camera is so to draw on the ground, you can look down - but you can use the arrow keys to tell it which plane you want to draw on no matter where you are looking.
SU is a surface modeler: it creates a bubble that you form into whatever shape you want. The skin of the bubble has both an outside and an inside face; if the model is being used in another package to produce a rendered image or a 3D print then having an inside face on the outside might produce unexpected results. (Use the Monochrome style to check and/or change the style to be more obvious which is which. A simple r-click option can flip the selected face.)
One of the things to be aware of is that the skin of a surface has no thickness - it’s a bubble. If you ever want to fill the inside of a bubble (eg for 3D printing) then there must be no holes in it, no stray edges and no single skins unattached. There are plugins to help identify problems & help fix them, but if you are aware of this while modeling it will save time at the end.
The Offset tool can be used in two ways: If you select a flat surface it will create an even outline to it, all the way round (either inside or outside). It can also be used to offset selected lines on the same path and on the same plane. Using this tool you would ensure that your bowl skin has an even thickness to it’s walls no matter what shape you draw for it’s profile.
The Follow-me tool can also be used in two ways: You can trace around a path with your mouse or you can select the path you want the profile to follow before selecting the tool and profile. Also note that the path does not have to be touching the profile.
Most of the time it’s much easier to use the second method of follow-me, but the path has to be a continuous line - it won’t work if there is a break or two lines don’t quite meet.
It’s great that you are thinking on beginners and wanting to pass on your knowledge, but bad habits are harder to break than good habits are to form.
But the standard method of construction is not tough. We were all beginners once. We know what it’s like. And your tutorial is not more helpful to beginners; it is full of bad practice…like someone teaching you to drive…badly.
How is your tutorial easier than simply constructing a decent half-profile…on the origin, then just selecting the circle and touching the profile with the Follow Me tool?
Physically trying to drag it around the path, as in your tutorial, is both more difficult and not as efficient.
We can all understand your enthusiasm for the program you’ve just discovered. Been there, done, that, got the T-shirt (literally) But you really should be leaving tutorials to people who know the programme inside-out. A tutorial by someone who is barely half a step ahead of a complete beginner is really not very helpful.
Let’s say you are given a car from your parents. You have seen people turn the key to start and change gear. Then, you stepped on the pedals to make the car go and stop. But you are keeping both of the feet on each pedals all the time. You think it is a brilliant trick and start teaching other “Beginner Drivers - Teenagers”
I think you will make other teenager’s parent go completely mad.
I don’t think it is actually illegal to keep both of your feet on the pedals at the same time. But others will tell you off, because simply cars aren’t built that way and were not meant to be driven that way.
I hope you drive…
Thank you gadget 2020
I liked the advice given and I would be considering all the things you stated while uploading the next tutorial
Thanks for your advice
It’s shows that you are a good friend and a real enthusiast of sketch Up l.
So thank you friend
Hey, I didn’t get a shirt… how do I get a shirt? and socks, too? I wish I had some memorabilia from when SketchUp was still @Last Software. What a great group.
REALLY quick and dirty, here is how I would accomplish it. There are better ways (there are many ways to skin a cat in Sketchup) but this technique is much easier. Note the main point is to show you that the circle does not need to be attached to the geometry. As long as the center point is at the right place and the plane is correct with respect to the center of rotation, this will work, The circle can be any size. I would normally adjust the number of segments depending on the level of detail I needed in the model, and I would start with defined dimensions in mind and draw some construction lines probably before I got going.
And give the poor OP a break. There is no wrong or right way… only better ways. And there is almost always someone out there that has a better way to do something in Sketchup. While I agree there are many bad habits that beginners might be best avoiding, making mistakes is part of the learning process.