Tool windows pop on a different screen and can't be relocated to my main screen (macOS)

I’m using macOS Sonoma, SketchUp Version 24.0.554. Tool windows like Component Attributes, Entity Info, etc. pop up on my laptop screen instead of the big screen where the main SU window is. No windows are partially on a screen/desktop, they are all fully within the screen boundaries.

To make it worse, the tool windows cannot be dragged to the big screen. They get stuck just below the toolbar.

Any help?

I found a workaround, but it’s not great. I used the Arrange feature under Displays in Settings to set the displays side-by-side, and I can drag across into the correct screen, thus avoiding the taskbar that is blocking the drag when the displays are arranged in a way reflecting real life.

I’d love to hear a better solution.

Make sure you are starting Sketchup from the external display (either the launch bar or from the finder).

As far as I can tell, there is no way to launch SketchUp on the external display. Even if I have a Finder window on that display and go a find and it launches the initial window on the external monitor, my project opens on my laptop monitor.

I was having problems with the toolbar relocating itself into the modeling window when attempting to move it off to the left. I eventually figured out that it relates to Stage Manager in MacOS and that if I turn it off while using Sketchup Pro Sketchup behaves normally.


mac os has “safe zones” that applications can’t use by default.
for example, if you have the dock visible, on both sides of the dock is a safe zone. when launching an app, it won’t extend there.
similarly, outside of the screen is a safe zone. you can manually move a window partly outside, but on startup the app can’t.

the main issue with panels and windows popping on different screens is a result of this system. On launch, an app, will try to place all the windows and panels just as they were on shutdown. but if you manually moved / extended some of them in a safe zone, then the window will be moved.
if you have one screen, it’ll just be nudged.
if you have several, it’ll be moved to another screen.

the 3 safe zones I can think of are on both sides of the dock (if you don’t hide it), outside of the screen, and in the stage manager area. you can place stuff there manually, but on startup it’ll automatically be moved by mac os.

the solution ?
well the obvious solution would be an unified interface, all in one window, like in the PC version.
hopefully it’s coming soon, thanks to the framework change last year.